Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Issues In Criminal Justice - 1361 Words
brought and tried separately. The terms of the present offense and each enhancement shall run consecutively (3S Law, 2016). On paper, this law sounds like a solid plan to prevent dangerous criminals from repeating crimes. The issue with this law was the abuse of power that rode on its coattails. The criminal justice system was handing down harsh sentences to non-violent, non-serious offenders, marking them with their second and third strikes. African Americans that are punished under the three strikes law, account for 13 times more than white offenders for similar crimes (Three Strikes Law Disproportionately Affects Blacks, 2004). When examining the implications of our laws and policies, starting at the educational level, it is easy†¦show more content†¦Their chances of being arrested and/or imprisoned at the juvenile or adult level are six times higher, per Chesney-Lind, when they also have a mother that is incarcerated. This is because 75% of African American kids with an incarcerated mother, also have an incarcerated father (as cited in Hattery Smith, p. 138, 2014). The typical age group of African American men being incarcerated is 18-34, per Hattery Smith (2012). These men are being removed from their communities during prime courting years, which makes them unavailable for marriage (as cited in Hattery Smith, p. 139, 2014), and very often leaving behind children with unwed mothers. For those men that did have the chance to marry before they were incarcerated, their fate is not always sealed. Although, out of all the ethnic groups African American’s have the lowest marital rates, they are not to be excluded from high divorce rates (Hattery Smith, 2014). A symptom of incarceration is often a ruptured marriage. This leads to a surplus of single mothers raising children in poverty in African American communities. A harrowing 75% of African American children are being born into single mother households, and of that percentage 40% of these families are living in poverty (Hattery Smith, 2014). Another issue in sustaining relationships with incarcerated African American men, is the presence of intimate partner violence (IPV) (HatteryShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice: the Right Job for You Essay787 Words  | 4 PagesUnit 7: Criminal Justice: The Right Job for You I am going to be talking about 3 key social issues contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners and providing examples for each issue. I will also be explaining the role of the criminal justice professional in serving individual and societal needs. Lastly I will explain how key social issues impact the role of the criminal justice professional and provide 2-3 examples to support my position. 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