Thursday, May 21, 2020
Government s Financial And Political Interests Coming...
All over the world, we have been facing challenges regarding the government’s financial and political interests coming before citizens’ rights. One of the most recent hazardous situations happened here in the U.S.A. The government failed to keep Flint’s population safe as evidenced by the poisoning of their water. Approximately 100,000 people live in Flint, Michigan according to the 2010 census (Wikipedia, 2016). It is the largest city and the County seat of Genesee County, Michigan, along the Flint River (Wikipedia, 2016). This city became an automobile-manufacturing powerhouse for GM’s Buick and Chevrolet divisions after World War II. Both companies were founded in Flint (Wikipedia, 2016). Unfortunately, the city is also known for its†¦show more content†¦Because of Flint’s financial problems, the city was under the control of a person named by the Michigan State and the most important mission was to cut expenses and save money in order to put the city back on track in its economic situation. Flint was the county that was paying the most in water, so it was decided to turn off Detroit’s system (100 km northeast) and start to get water from Flint’s River. Because of this switch in water supply, water consumption had a huge impact on the citizens’ lives. In September 2015, a citizen asked the state to test the water, which led to other inquiries from other scientists. Virginia Tech University analyzed the water and found out that the lead quantity was higher than the amount of water in proportion. The water could not even be called water anymore; they named it as â€Å"toxic water.†Meanwhile, people started to get very sick. The health services declared an emergency situation because of the high levels of lead in the population’s blood system and all the illnesses that happened after the switch in the water supply. Some of the effects of lead in the body in a long-term buildup cannot be predicted and it can remain in bones for years after exposure. Besides of the lead poisoning, glyphosate was found in high levels in food. Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide and in high levels can cause cancer. The lead exposure persisted for 17 months. Undoubtedly, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency covered up the
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about Plagiarism Students Are Not To Blame - 932 Words
Is plagiarism really occurring on college campuses? Should it be considered a serious offense? Do the students who plagiarize know that what they are doing is wrong? These are some of the questions that Edward M. White discusses in his essay â€Å"Student Plagiarism as an Institutional and Social Issue.†Being a professor himself, White sees firsthand the occurrence of cheating on college campuses. He claims that blatant plagiarism â€Å"subverts the very nature of education and reflects some aspects of what is worst in American society†because it is morally wrong (202). The backing for his claim is the fact that plagiarizing is stealing someone else’s words. Thus he warrants that anything morally wrong undermines education and shows†¦show more content†¦Should all students who plagiarize be punished? How do we decide who gets punished? White states that â€Å"even though we must defend ourselves against burglars and muggers, however much we m ay sympathize with whatever caused their behavior, we are not really called on to excuse away their depredations†(202). Likewise, he believes that we should not allow people to steal others’ words without some kind of punishment. I believe that there should be some kind of punishment, but a teacher should not be able to punish a student for plagiarizing, unless the teacher has made sure the child knows how and when to cite things. Every teacher should go over the policy on plagiarism at the beginning of the course instead of expecting the students to have learned the rules. As White states, â€Å"we should all expect that much plagiarism will naturally occur unless we help students understand what all the fuss is about†(203). White is very logical in his thinking that students should not be expected to know things without being taught. With any essay that a person reads, the reader wants to know that he can trust his source. Ethos is the author’s, or piece’s, credibility. One thing that readers might look at is the year the piece was written. Even though this essay was written in 1993, I think the only thing that has changed is that plagiarism has gotten worse. We now have more places to plagiarize from since almost everyone hasShow MoreRelatedAcademic Dishonesty: Applying Technology in Plagiarism1564 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Academic dishonesty, specifically cheating and plagiarism, recently has increased in popularity. Students often justify unethical academic behavior. Technological innovations, like the cellular telephone, have provided students with new methods of cheating. Plagiarism has also been influenced through technologies, specifically internet companies have emerged that provide unethical solutions to academic assignments. â€Æ' Academic Dishonesty: Applying Technology to Cheat Defined asRead MorePlagiarism Essay957 Words  | 4 Pages Plagiarism, the practice of taking someone elses work or ideas and passing them off as ones own (â€Å"Plagiarism†). Such act is a crime and is not lightly, however what is considered plagiarism is very tricky and if you are not well informed you can easily fall victim to this crime. The most common types of plagiarism are intentional and unintentional plagiarism. Currently both of these types are punished in the same ways such as expulsion or suspension in academic groups. There has been many debateRead MoreThe Internet And Its Effects On The World997 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most benefit out of it are students. Doing assignment has never been easier, for example, Google can help out finding research information that was hard to find in school textbooks. The internet not only gives the student updated information on the certain topic, but it also as well saves them a lot of time. However, even if the internet is there as an amazing tool to help out people, it can come with some problems. Having the power of the internet almost at students’ fingertips is affecting themRead MorePlagiarism Essay776 Words  | 4 PagesPlagiarism regularly makes the headlines and universities are under pressure to tackle the problem decisively. Plagiarism involves using someone else’s words or ideas without acknowledging the source. It can take multiple forms, from cutting and pasting a patchwork of unreferenced texts to buying texts from paper mills. Crucially, it also includes the kinds of writing in which students sloppily pull together various ideas without due attention to academic referencing norms. The problem is thatRead MorePlagiarism And Plagiarism For Academic Integrity995 Words  | 4 Pagesmomentum. Cheating and plagiarism represent unethical academic behaviors against which higher academic institutions have been battling against. Nowadays, plagiarism and cheating tools have been greatly influenced by new technological trends providing students with unethical solutions going against academic integrity. I will now proceed on elaborating on the behavioral characteristics going against academic integrity then, I will highlight the danger associated with plagiarism before finally concludingRead MorePlagiarism And Why It Is Considered Wrong1550 Words  | 7 PagesStudents around the globe have the tendency to resort to copying certain sources as a manner of getting work done quicker and with strong recognition. It is considered human nature for students in the modern day to turn to readily available sources to aid their work. However, they do not understand the concept of plagiarism and why it is considered wrong in the educational world. To build upon this essay, we need to first understand what plagiarism exactly is. Plagiarism is well-defined as makingRead MoreThe Ethical Reasons For Plagiarism1459 Words  | 6 Pages Plagiarism is the process of taking some one else work or ideas and showing it as their own works (Oxford Dictionaries). The purpose of this study is to understand 6 different ethical reasons used by student to overcome with plagiarism and with help of these ethical reason, faculties can bring a solution to stop or prevent plagiarism. Where as unethical behavior can also lead to worries in school or colleges, so there is need to correct it so that it has positive impact on organizational ethicsRead MorePlagiarism And Plagiarism1326 Words  | 6 PagesPlagiarism is when one use another person’s work or ideas without getting his permission. Oxford dictionary (2015) defines plagiarism as â€Å"The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own†. The word origins, based on Oxford dictionary (2015), is coming from â€Å"the early 17th century, from the Latin word ‘plagiarius’ that means ‘kidnapperâ€℠¢Ã¢â‚¬ . Although the definition can help us understand better what plagiarism is, it is sometimes hard to know where the line crossRead More Plagiarism in the 21st Century Essay1632 Words  | 7 PagesPlagiarism in the 21st Century The problem of plagiarism has haunted the academic world for centuries. Plagiarism is defined as â€Å"taking ideas, passages, etc from an author and presenting them, unacknowledged, as one’s own†.[1] This problem was limited in the past by the lack of materials available to plagiarize, either in libraries, newspapers, magazines, or in academic files of campus organizations. With the birth of the Internet however, the ability to commit fraud through plagiarismRead MoreThe World Association Of Medical Editors1412 Words  | 6 PagesPlagiarism according to oxford dictionary in 1621 was derived from a latin word â€Å"plagiarius†which means â€Å"kidnapper†or abducting .Plagiarism as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as â€Å" the act of taking another person’s writing and passing them off as one’s own†without giving credit to the original author (Jawad. F, 2013). The world Association of Medical Editors (WAME) defines plagiarism as â€Å"the use of others published and unpublished ideas or words without attribution or permission and presenting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Issues In Criminal Justice - 1361 Words
brought and tried separately. The terms of the present offense and each enhancement shall run consecutively (3S Law, 2016). On paper, this law sounds like a solid plan to prevent dangerous criminals from repeating crimes. The issue with this law was the abuse of power that rode on its coattails. The criminal justice system was handing down harsh sentences to non-violent, non-serious offenders, marking them with their second and third strikes. African Americans that are punished under the three strikes law, account for 13 times more than white offenders for similar crimes (Three Strikes Law Disproportionately Affects Blacks, 2004). When examining the implications of our laws and policies, starting at the educational level, it is easy†¦show more content†¦Their chances of being arrested and/or imprisoned at the juvenile or adult level are six times higher, per Chesney-Lind, when they also have a mother that is incarcerated. This is because 75% of African American kids with an incarcerated mother, also have an incarcerated father (as cited in Hattery Smith, p. 138, 2014). The typical age group of African American men being incarcerated is 18-34, per Hattery Smith (2012). These men are being removed from their communities during prime courting years, which makes them unavailable for marriage (as cited in Hattery Smith, p. 139, 2014), and very often leaving behind children with unwed mothers. For those men that did have the chance to marry before they were incarcerated, their fate is not always sealed. Although, out of all the ethnic groups African American’s have the lowest marital rates, they are not to be excluded from high divorce rates (Hattery Smith, 2014). A symptom of incarceration is often a ruptured marriage. This leads to a surplus of single mothers raising children in poverty in African American communities. A harrowing 75% of African American children are being born into single mother households, and of that percentage 40% of these families are living in poverty (Hattery Smith, 2014). Another issue in sustaining relationships with incarcerated African American men, is the presence of intimate partner violence (IPV) (HatteryShow MoreRelatedCriminal Justice: the Right Job for You Essay787 Words  | 4 PagesUnit 7: Criminal Justice: The Right Job for You I am going to be talking about 3 key social issues contributing to the need for criminal justice practitioners and providing examples for each issue. I will also be explaining the role of the criminal justice professional in serving individual and societal needs. Lastly I will explain how key social issues impact the role of the criminal justice professional and provide 2-3 examples to support my position. One key social issue contributing toRead MoreResearch Methods in Criminal Justice and Relevant Terminologies1202 Words  | 5 PagesMethods in Criminal Justice: Research is widely recognized as the basic technique for advancing a body of knowledge across various professions including the criminal justice field. This tool has the ability of enhancing a body of knowledge because it assists students, scholars, professionals in the criminal justice field, and governmental policy makers to determine effective methods for various issues like law enforcement, prevention of crime, and corrections. For students in criminal justice, learningRead MoreEssay on Roles Needs of a Criminal Justice Professional1378 Words  | 6 PagesRoles Needs of a Criminal Justice Professional Sarah Cavileer Kaplan University CJ100: Preparing For a Career in Public Safety September 18, 2012 As we all know – there are tons of social issues within the entire world that Criminal Justice Practitioners deal with, most likely, on a daily basis. One of the many social issues I’ve chosen is Prison Overcrowding. Prison Overcrowding is one of America’s most critical issues in the Criminal Justice system. Just as the name states, the problemRead MoreSolving The Consensus And Conflict Model942 Words  | 4 Pagesconsensus and conflict models as explanations to the origin of criminal law. First it is important to distinguish the difference between the two models. According to the textbook â€Å"Criminal Justice Today†the consensus model is defined as a criminal justice perspective that assumes that the system’s components work together harmoniously to achieve the social product we call justice and the conflict model is defined as a criminal justice perspective that assumes that the system’s components functionRead MoreCriminal Justice Trends Evnaluatio1253 Words  | 6 PagesCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation December 10, 2012 CJA/394 Troy Hokanson Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation 2 Introduction The criminal justice system is very important to American society. The reason for laws are to defend society from harm, makeRead MoreA Comparative Study of the Field Criminal Justice and Criminology1314 Words  | 6 PagesFields Criminal Justice and Criminology Javier Landa-Miranda Ivy Tech Community College CRIM 101 What is Criminal Justice and what is Criminology? They are the same? Those are the questions that people ask their selves when they talk about those fields. There might be many controversies about the differences and similarities about Criminal Justice and Criminology. People must think that these two fields are totally different or just the same thing. The reality is that Criminal Justice and CriminologyRead More Criminal Justice System Essay1123 Words  | 5 Pagessignificant issues concerning law enforcement, namely enacting the law, police discretion, and assessment of criminal behavior. Different entities create and enact laws that are specific for the societies those laws represent. In the United States the criminal justice system is broken down into two models, the Consensus model and the Conflict model. The procedure of achieving justice is comprised on three basic levels: policing, justice, and corrections. The two models of criminal justice systemRead MoreThe Impact Of New Technology On Criminal Justice System1458 Words  | 6 PagesTechnologies on Criminal Justice and Corrections Our criminal justice system is very important to society. The reason for having laws is to defend society from harm, and to ensure that each person is kept safe, as well as to receive fair treatment. The criminal justice system works to defend the innocent and to punish the guilty without risking denial of an individual’s basic human rights. The past, present and future trends involved in the interface between components of the criminal justice systemRead MoreCriminology And Sociology And Criminology1213 Words  | 5 PagesWhere the Two Meet Criminology is where criminal justice and Sociology meet and come together. Sociology is a social science where the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society happen. Criminology is also a social science that studies crime and criminal behavior. Sociologists, by studying society and relationships, are able to determine the thoughts and actions of individuals or criminals. Each science can relate to other sciences and Criminology relates to PsychologyRead MoreCurrent Correctional System and Rehabilitation934 Words  | 4 Pagespossible goals of the correctional system. It was inspired by the belief that both inmates and society as a whole benefit more from the successful rehabilitation of convicted criminals than they benefit from punitive incarceration or by mere incapacitation (Schmalleger, 2009). After decades of social experimentation with criminal justice and corrections policies that incorporated and emphasized elements of rehabilitation over elemen ts of punishment or mere incapacitation, the rehabilitation approach came
Indigenous Tribe Of Hunter Gatherers - 1686 Words
Deep within the rainforests of the Manu Provincial Park in Peru resides an indigenous tribe of hunter-gatherers known to us as the Mashco-Piro tribe. This tribe has remained un-contacted by modern culture until recent years and as such, the tribe continues to be a source of interest among anthropologists and civilians alike, for whom the secluded nature and â€Å"primitive†culture of these people generates curiosity. The Mashco-Piro tribe has actively avoided contact with non-native individuals, however in recent years there have been a handful of sightings and interactions with the tribe reported, including a video of the tribe released by the Ministry of Environment in Peru as well as photographs of tribe members released by Survival International. With recent sightings and interactions becoming more and more prevalent many different issues arise, and precautions must be taken. Following this, the Peruvian government has banned any contact with the Mashco-Piro people as they may come into contact with bacteria and diseases for which they have not built up immunity. Further, issues regarding the preservation of culture have also been brought to light in that any interaction with the tribe allows for influences from our culture to make their way into their own. As they have in the past actively sought to avoid such situations, it would be negligent to press such circumstances upon them. A specific photograph of the Mashco-Piro tribe will be the focus of this text and as suchShow MoreRelatedAfrican Indigenous Religions Essay930 Words  | 4 Pagesfound in a cave in Still Bay in Cape Town, called the ‘Blombos’ cave. It was named by Christopher Henshilwood and dates back to 77,000 years (Wits, 2014). This rock art is the earliest depiction of religious experience and belief. A later group of indigenous people that existed in Southern Africa were the ‘Bantu Speaking Farmers’. The name Bantu speaking farmers referrers to the type of language and the style of settling these people adopted. This group of people had begun moving into Southern AfricaRead MoreSociety702 Words  | 3 Pagesproduction was limited to the amount of labor a human being could provide, and there were few specialized occupations. The very first occupation was that of hunter-gatherer. Hunter-gatherer societies demonstrate the strongest dependence on the environment of the various types of preindustrial societies. These groups were based around tribes. Hunter-gatherers relied on their surroundings for survivalâ€â€they hunted wild animals and foraged for plants for food. When resources became low, the group moved to a newRead MoreAnthropology And The Study Of Culture1221 Words  | 5 Pagesanswers 2. Hunter-Gatherers a. Hunter-gatherer societies are societies in which its people rely mainly on hunting and gathering food, ranging from berries, animals, plants and just about anything edible they can find in the wilderness for their main source of food. Although societies where these techniques are used are mostly gone, there are still a few geographically isolated places where the indigenous people who live there survive solely on hunting and gathering. The basic hunter-gatherer societyRead MoreArizona s History And Government1131 Words  | 5 PagesEuropeans entered Arizona land, it was occupied by indigenous nations. These Indian tribes, also known as the Cochise tribes were made up of 3 specific groups: The Hohokam, Anazazi, and the Mogollon natives (Gawronski, 14). Originating from dates all the way back to 500A.D. these people ran the land and cultivated life from their incredibly dry and deserted Arizonan land. Over time, Indians discovered that even though their people relied on hunter-gatherer techniques, the food was not always found toRead MoreBatek of Malaysia1370 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction to Cultural Anthropology (GSF1049E) January 17, 2011 The Batek of Malaysia The Batek of Malaysia is a hunter-gatherer tribe, they are located in the Malaysian rainforest in groups of families. They would be considered Foragers, They live in camps of five or six nuclear families. Nuclear families consist of a Mother, Father, and their children. â€Å"The nuclear family is most common because, in a foraging setting, it is adaptive to various situations.†(Cultural Anthropology ChapterRead MoreNative American And Native Americans1292 Words  | 6 Pagespre-Columbian ancestors were indigenous to the lands within the nation s modern boundaries. These peoples were composed of numerous distinct tribes, bands, and ethnic groups, and many of these groups survive intact today as sovereign nations. The terms Native Americans use to refer to themselves vary regionally and generationally, with many older Native Americans self-identifying as Indians or American Indians, while younger Native Americans often identify as Indigenous. Which terms should be usedRead MoreNative Americans And Trading : Native American Trade907 Words  | 4 Pageslooking for gold and other treasures to bring back home. So it comes as no surprise that Native Americans would trade with outside countries. Native American Trade refers to the trade between Europeans and their North American descendants and the Indigenous people of North America, it really began before the colonial period and continued through the nineteenth century. The products traded involved a vast variety of goods and varied by region and era. Canada was a major trader with the native peopleRead MoreFrom Hunter Gatherers to Agricultural Societies2160 Words  | 9 Pagesmove from hunter-gatherers to agriculturists, and what were the impacts socially, politically, and technically? â€Å"Agriculture did not emerge from an untapped resource base or randomly distributed family or tribal units of Homo sapiens sapiens. It emerged as the result of efforts by highly organized ecologically canny communities composed of skilled hunter-gatherers.†In the beginning of what is considered burgeoning civilization, humanities ancestors were what were called hunter-gatherers. They movedRead MoreThe Australian Aboriginals are the Native People of Australia745 Words  | 3 PagesThey roamed the land for 40,000 years. The Indigenous Aborigines lived as nomads, hunter-gatherers, and â€Å"with a strong dependence on the land and their agriculture for survival (Ellie Crystal)†. The Aborigine ways of life were interrupted when Britain sent convicts to Australia. The Australian Aboriginal tribes have different ways of communicating. Most Aborigines are able to speak five different languages. The languages vary among locations and tribes. Aboriginal words are interspersed with theRead MoreIndigenous Australian And Middle Eastern Cultures1600 Words  | 7 PagesIndigenous Australian and Middle Eastern cultures have many similarities when it comes to the factors that influenced their dietary choices throughout history and today. However with these similarities also came many differences as well. Traditions, religion, certain rituals, beliefs, outside influences and historical events were all huge factors that greatly influenced the dietary choices and the future development of each of these two cultures. Before the European invasion in the 1700’s, Indigenous
Lg Hr Policies Free Essays
LG ELECTRONICS LTD {draw:frame} A great working environment will allow you to exercise and develop all of your skills, and you’ll be duly rewarded too! LG Electronics creates working environments that enable all its employees to demonstrate their capabilities, focus on their own work, and create value. HR Principles {draw:frame} Creativity and autonomy An individual’s creativity is the basis for value creation. LG Electronics respects diversity and autonomy, allowing each of its employees to exercise their creativity to the full. We will write a custom essay sample on Lg Hr Policies or any similar topic only for you Order Now Emphasis on competence Competence is the basis for performance. LG Electronics sees competence as the most important factor in its personnel decisions. Performance-based rewards Rewards based on performance are essential for human motivation. LG Electronics evaluates performance results fairly and rewards them accordingly. Equal opportunities Equal opportunities build trust among people. LG Electronics ensures equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, age, religion, or nationality. Long-term perspective Maintaining a long-term perspective is the foundation for LG’s human resources policies. LG’s human resources programs are designed with a long-term perspective and implemented with dedication and persistence. {draw:frame} Training Through its education centers worldwide, LG Electronics offers diverse educational programs to its employees according to rank and job to encourage growth and development and mold them into â€Å"the right people†for the company. They do this by equipping them with the professional capabilities that the company needs and enabling them to apply the latest technologies to their work. Rewards LG Electronics offers its employees a competitive, unique rewards system that takes account of their working situations by nation, region, and job. This rewards system motivates employees to perform better by helping them to enhance their quality of life. LG’s rewards system consists of fixed salaries and flexible salaries. Fixed salaries are determined every year through a fair evaluation process. Flexible salaries are immediate rewards given to individual employees for their performance and competence. How to cite Lg Hr Policies, Essay examples
Rappaccinis Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne free essay sample
An analysis of the short story with specific attention to its comparison with the Bible. The purpose of this paper is to introduce, compare, and discuss the short story Rappaccinis Daughter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Specifically, it will compare and contrast the characters with those of Adam and Eve in the Bible, and show their commonality. The paper describes the symbolism in the story in relation to the Bible. From the very opening, the reader knows this is to be a story concerned with good and evil, as Giovanni lives in a home where the former occupant was a partaker of the immortal agonies of his [Dantes] Inferno (Hawthorne 293). Clearly, Rappaccini represents the Devil, as he is a truly evil and corrupt man. His lovely daughter, Beatrice, represents Eve, as she too spends her life in a garden, and drinks in the poisonous effects of the vile plants her father has grown. We will write a custom essay sample on Rappaccinis Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
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