Friday, January 24, 2020
Sexual Deviances Essay examples -- Papers
Sexual Deviances Sexual disorders are categorized into three general groups. The groups are sexual dysfunctions, sexual deviations, and homosexuality. These are not necessary abnormal, but what is considered out of the norm by either the mental health establishment, or society, or both. The first group, sexual dysfunctions, have increased significantly over the last decade. Which, in turn, has increased the progress in the study and treatment of sexual dysfunctions. One important aspect that came out of William masters and Virginia Johnson’s research is classifying the various forms of dysfunctions. Closely related is Kaplan’s system which groups sexual dysfunctions according to the phase in the sexual response cycle in which they occur. There are three phases in the sexual response cycle. The first one, called the desire phase, involves sexual fantasies and interest in sexual activity. Failure to feel this in either a man or woman is called hypoactive sexual desire. The second phase is called the excitement phase. In this phase, the sexual fantasy, or encounter is usually followed by physiological changes. The absence or weakness of these responses is called erectile dysfunction (or impotence) in men, and general sexual dysfunction in women. The third phase is called the orgasm phase. This is the phase of sexual response. If the man is unable to exert control, and ejaculates very quickly, this is called premature ejaculation. If, on the other hand, ejaculation is greatly delayed, or does not happen at all, this is called retarded ejaculation. A delay or absence of orgasm in women is called orgastic dysfunction. There are two more types of sexual dysfunction that do not fit comp... ... called ego-dystonic homosexuality, and it does not include people who are suffering from adjustment problems because the society they live in do not accept their sexuality. While the human sexual impulse is capable of gratification through a wide range of outlets, Western society tends to regard heterosexual coitus as the only normal outlet. In the years to come this might differ slightly, due to the rapidly changing ideas of the modern world. Opening the doors of thought will lead minds into knew ways of thinking, which in turn shows the youth of tomorrow not to be ashamed of who they are. Bibliography: Acocella, Joan Ross. Abnormal Psychology: Current Perspectives. New York: Random House. 1972. Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology: Exploration and Application. Santa Barbara City College: West Publishing Company. 1977.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Secondary Students Performance in National Achievement Test
SAN PABLO COLLEGES GRADUATE SCHOOL SAN PABLO CITY Learning is a continuous process; like in much other discipline teaching requires also a tremendous task of upgrading the knowledge of a teacher. A teacher is the single authoritative figure in the classroom no one can tell where his/her influence stops. A teacher can create a learning atmosphere that is fun and conducive and at the same time create an atmosphere of tension and discrimination. On the note of Naturalism by Rousseau he stressed that man is basically good and that his environment makes him bad, with these aspect I firmly anchored my teaching life.I am a natural born naturalist and idealist who firmly believed that also the environment has a deep anchor on the promotion and progress of an individual. As a teacher, I always see to it that when I am teaching my line of discipline which is History I always give my students a pretest before introducing the topic so that I can assess the entry level they have. Teaching History is not easy because nowadays students can’t appreciate the value of one’s cultural identity thus, it is always have been a challenge for history teachers like me to sustain student’s interests in studying it.In this regard, even though the concluded seminar is basically â€Å"The Art of Science Teaching†I really learned a lot from it specially the resourcefulness on the part of the teacher as well as the connection of Science in many other disciplines. Consequently, nowadays we are living in the context of high technological advances and presently students demand for learning is high. Technology has been part and parcel of good education and that is presently the challenge teachers are facing the incorporation of technology into teaching specially that I am public school teacher.Resources are scarce, quality materials are too little, rooms are not conducive for learning, student teacher ratio is too large and many other. The linkages and resourcefulness of a teacher can be best harnessed nowadays specially if that teacher really wants to bring about positive changes on the part of his students. Dedication, commitment and passion for teaching should be always harnessed on the heart of teacher because I firmly believe that when these three core values are shared and trengthened within the humanity of a teacher no problem, no obstacles can’t be overcome. The last seminar is indeed an eye opener for every educators not only those of teaching sciences but all of us who were called to serve. The insights given by the speaker really made me realized that teaching is an art and also teaching requires prior knowledge strengthening the connection between you and your community, finding resources that best translate your learning objectives into tangible learning outcomes, and most importantly uplift the lives of students under your tutelage.As for my recommendation I am positively looking forward for another series of seminars that t he graduate school will offer. Because I firmly believed that teachers should always upgrade their learning background for their students as the famous adage connotes â€Å"You can’t give what you don’t have†Prepared and respectfully submitted by: Rowell P. Corcega
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Assessment Of Learning Objectives - 1182 Words
Assessment of learning objectives is a process by which student mastery of program level objectives are assessed. The assessment involves examining the overall functioning through a study of administrative data, outcomes of the student as well as other effectiveness measures. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for the program to scrutinize the data collected from the objectives through learning objectives assessment. Assessment of learning objectives is beneficial to both the student and the institution. To the students, it ensures that they are able to master their program material through provision of programs that are responsive to both their needs and those of their society. Moreover, the assessments provide the faculty with the tools that enable curricular development and renewal. Further, institutions benefit through proof of student learning and achievement that translates into achievement of goals and mission. Moreover, learning objective outcomes are developed by the faculty to assess student performance and provide analysis to grasp the learning objectives in their program. The process is composed of steps, whereby learning objectives are developed, objective measures are designed, and data is collected and analyzed. After data analysis and evaluation is done, an assessment report is drafted together with a plan for the next assessment cycle. Efficiency of assessment may be increased through letting the students play a role in the assessment of the learningShow MoreRelatedThe Lesson Objectives From The Learning Segment For Each Daily Assessment Record1822 Words  | 8 PagesThe lesson objectives from the learning segment for each daily assessment record are as follows - Lesson 1: when given 8 GCF and LCM problems, the student will identify the key math term that tells them what to find and will circle it and name the operation with at least 75% accuracy. 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