Thursday, October 31, 2019
Critically analyse the competing views articulated by Essay
Critically analyse the competing views articulated by capital-exporting countries and capital-importing countries in relation to the nature of compensation for the expropriation of foreign property - Essay Example and other countries. Similarly, Mexico nationalised all American interests in 1938 and refused to pay compensation to the property owners. Their stand, as capital importing countries was that when they initiated economic and social reforms both the nationals and foreign entities suffered or enjoyed equally and hence, there was no question of compensation especially when they had no sources or means or capacity to compensate the parties. On the other hand, capital exporting countries insisted that they were entitled to minimum standard of treatment which should not be just equal to the treatment given to the nationals. Many equitable principles have evolved in the process each of which has been fairly argued for and against. The capital importing countries held the view that when foreign entities enter into their states they are supposed to merge their destiny along with nationals and work together for the country’s betterment and therefore cannot expect any better treatment th an available to nationals. All these controversies had been due to absence of settled international law prior to world war period and during the immediate post war period. As a solution to the much vexed issue, bilateral and multilateral treaties have come to stay as contracts with legal binding to address similar situations during their operating periods. This paper proposes to examine the views of the capital exporting and capital importing countries in the matter of compensation payable for taking of the foreign investor’s (capital exporting) properties by the host states (capital importing). Since there is no enactment of international law as such, only by the customary law and equitable principles, it can be decided whether an expropriation resorted to by the host state is justifiable or not. With this perspective, this paper will examine the customary law and various instances of expropriations across the world and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
A Beautiful Mind Essay Example for Free
A Beautiful Mind Essay Mental disorders have been one of the most severe cases of abnormality in our society today. Filmmakers are fascinated to create movies based on these disorders. Many filmmakers tried to portray the effects of different kinds of mental illness. They are fascinated with how the human mind works whenever it is consumed with abnormalities. Some films are made to stun the audience using the gruesome effects and treatment of the illness; but in reality those stunning effects were added just to impress or capture the interest and sympathy of the general public, and sometimes it goes on to the point of exaggeration. But some are made accurately, explaining detail-by-detail symptoms, effects and treatment of the disorder. For my movie review, I tried to look for a good example, a model movie, and a work of art that really wants to share all information they could possibly share, and possibly doesn’t stray out of its purpose. To that effect, the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†is the film that had captured my interest the most. This particular film portrays a man named John Forbes Nash (played by actor Russel Crowe) who was found to have a psychological disorder called Schizophrenia. See more: Perseverance essay A Beautiful Mind†is very effective in portraying the symptoms, effects and treatment of Shezophrenia. A Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia) The movie’s portrayal of schizophrenia was mostly accurate. Nash would be described as a paranoid schizophrenic, having delusions and hallucinations with themes of persecution and grandiosity. His personality fits the description of someone with schizophrenia because he lives in his own inner world and he is socially withdrawn and isolated. The disease developed over time from a chronic history of social inadequacy. As shown in the movie, Nash had a difficult time relating to his peers and talking to women. It also developed at the standard age, late adolescence during his years at college. Another realistic feature of the film was that once the disease developed, the hallucinations were triggered by stress. Nash experienced disturbed perceptions in the form of three of his senses. He heard voices; saw people that didn’t exist and was even able to believe he was touching these people. At times schizophrenics inflict pain on themselves in response to voices or imagined reality. In Nash’s case, he tore open his arm to find a sensor he had imagined that the government put in his body. The last thing that made the portrayal realistic was that research shows that given a supportive environment, some schizophrenics eventually recover to enjoy a normal life, and in the end that’s what happened with Nash. He was able to live his life with occasional bouts of schizophrenia intermittently. According to Philip Long, Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental illness (2008). Schizophrenia is a disorder that lasts for at least 6 months and includes at least 1 month of active-phase symptoms of the following: delusion, hallucination, disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms. In the movie A Beautiful Mind, the main character John Forbes Nash exhibited all of the above symptoms. He often engaged in conversations with his imagined friend and roommate, Charles Herman. He was also convinced that there was an agent named William Archer who was giving him secret assignments to be delivered at night. But it was not long when his wife, Alicia, realizes what was happening to her husband’s state of mind, and passionately helped him realize that Charles Herman, William Archer and Marcy, were all a product of his unstable mind. Furthermore, people with Schizophrenia find it hard to be sociable, and even their jobs may suffer because of this (Long 2008). In the movie, John Nash illustrated that he was no longer capable of functioning at work because he was continuously engaging in the imagined government assignments instead of attending class on a regular basis. He was also unable to function socially, he socially withdrew himself from his friends and he was no longer capable to care for his baby especially the scene in which he was out of touch with reality that he left the baby unattended in the tub. John Nash was also experiencing problems with his wife as a result of his inability to engage in sexual activities and his wife’s inability to clearly comprehend the gruesome effects of Schizophrenia. People with Schizophrenia vary with their reaction towards their own illness because of the simple fact that what they see and feel is beyond their control. It is inevitable for them to consistently rumble incoherent sentences or just respond with a very uncontrollable anger, sometimes with no apparent reason at all. John Nash exhibited this symptom especially when he was in the presence of others who were not aware of his mental disorder. People with this disorder may not be able to hold down jobs or even perform tasks as simple as maintaining conversation as John Nash exhibited in the movie A Beautiful Mind. Additionally, John Nash was given Insulin Shock Therapy, which is also known as Insulin Coma Therapy at the psychiatric hospital that he was admitted to. He received this form of treatment five times a week for ten weeks. Large doses of insulin were administered which would reduce the blood sugar and brought on a seizure-like state and then a comatose state that John Nash experienced whenever this form of treatment was done. The Insulin Shock Therapy is still done however there are critics who state that this form of treatment is cruel and inhumane but there has not been a termination of this treatment in spite of the criticisms. Furthermore, over the years more treatments have been formed in order to treat Schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs are thought to mainly provide relief from the positive symptoms and psychosis. Nash received antipsychotic drugs when he was released from the hospital. Some examples of the psychotic drugs that are being used now to treat Schizophrenia are Thorazine, Clozaril, and Trilafon. Unfortunately his medication disrupted his relationship with his wife almost as much as his delusions did in the first place. For example, he couldn’t respond to his wife in bed, he couldn’t show affection to their child, and he couldn’t do simple tasks around the house. He stopped taking his medication and falls back into his paranoid delusions. Nash had a breakthrough and realized that the people he was seeing were hallucinations when he realized that none of them aged. In the movie A Beautiful Mind, John Nash had the support of his wife, Alicia Nash who was very instrumental in his recovery. The support of loved ones is very vital for people with Schizophrenia in order for them to not face the challenges that they will encounter alone. This is a very unusual story since the protagonist was able to win over his disease; not all who were under Schizophrenia are able to this kind of accomplishment. Displays of acts of violence are of major issue in treating Schizophrenia (Long 2008). Nash’s reaction when he thought that Archer was threatening his family is an indication to this act. However, except from his previous flights, John Nash did not commit any serious violent acts. He unintentionally harmed himself by removing the imagined device that he stated that William Archer implanted in his hand. This is a contradiction to the usual. But we all know from the beginning that Nash is an exception to the rule. Observations over the past years suggest that Schizophrenia is most unfavorable with men than women. Maybe this has something to do with the emotional treatment suffered by men over various circumstances, and that includes the amount of rejection they received from their environment. John Nash received mainly mixed reactions as a result of his mental disorder. His wife, Alicia was devastated at first but was able to overcome all of her negative emotions when she recalled the loving man she married and knew before he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. However, he was laughed at and mocked by some of the students who attended the university that he worked at. One unrealistic aspect of the film was that Nash was able to just ignore the hallucinations when he stopped taking his medication. In reality, the delusions would have been too intense to just take no notice of. The movie also oversimplified affects of the disease on his family. They never attended any counseling or help groups, and the disease was never explained to the wife in great detail, yet she stuck by his side. However there weren’t any parts in the film that would misinform an audience about the disorder. In conclusion, the movie A Beautiful Mind is an excellent movie that clearly depicts the life of a person with Schizophrenia. It demonstrates the challenges that individuals with Schizophrenia encounter and it also demonstrates that the support of the family is very vital for individuals with Schizophrenia in order for them to cope with the effects of this mental disorder. The movie A Beautiful Mind showed realistic dramas that John Forbes Nash encountered and problems that other individuals who have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and other mental disorders will most likely experience.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
High Level Design (HLD)
High Level Design (HLD) High level design High level design (HLD) gives the complete system design of functional architecture and database design. For the developers it is very much important to understand how the flow of the system is. In this phase the system design team testers team and the customers plays an important role. For this entry criteria are required the document that is SRS and the then exit criteria will be high level design, projects standards, functional design documents, and the database design documents. Problem specification Data has to be processed in a effective and efficient way. Time consumption should be less. Easy to implement. Data Definition/ Dictionary Data dictionary is a repository that contains all the description of all data produced by the application. It is an organization listing of all data elements that are pertinent to the system. Tables Tables For Colud Sever 1 FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY FName Varchar 30 primary Sk Int 10 Owner Varchar 30 CloudName Varchar 15 Table 5.1: Owner File [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Vm Int 10 primary Owner Varchar 20 Memory Int 10 Thrushold Int 10 Status Varchar 30 AttackerIP Int 10 Attempts Int 10 Table 5.2: Virtual Memory1 [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY FileName Varchar 30 primary Owner Varchar 20 Sk Int 10 Table 5.3: CloudFile1 Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Owner Varchar 30 primary FileName Varchar 20 Sk Int 10 Table 5.4: Receive File1 Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY RemoteUser Varchar 30 primary Owner Varchar 20 Table 5.5: Remote File Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Attacker Varchar 30 primary AttackerName Varchar 20 IP-Address Int 10 Table 5.6: Attacker1 Table [Table Design] Tables For Cloud Sever 2 FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Vm Int 10 primary Owner Varchar 20 Memory Int 10 Thrushold Int 10 Status Varchar 30 AttackerIP Int 10 Attempts Int 10 Table 5.7: Virtual Memory2 Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY FileName Varchar 30 primary Owner Varchar 20 Sk Int 10 Table 5.8: Cloud File2 Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Owner Varchar 30 primary FileName Varchar 20 Sk Int 10 Table 5.9: Receive File2 Table [Table Design] Remote File2 Table FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY RemoteUser Varchar 30 primary Owner Varchar 20 Table 5.10: Remote File2 Table [Table Design] FIELD NAME DATA TYPE SIZE KEY Attacker Varchar 30 primary AttackerName Varchar 20 IP-Address Int 10 Table 5.11: Attacker2 Table [Table Design] Assumptions and dependencies The user should know the authentication details to prevent the unauthorized access of the system. The user must be aware of the government rules and regulations that are to be implemented on the terms. The user must be aware of the flow at which the process of system takes place. Low level design Low level design (LLD) is like detailing the High level design. It defines the real logic for each and the each every component of the system. Class diagrams with the methods and relation between the classes comes under the low level design. The main phase of the object oriented approach is as follows:- Object modeling Dynamic modeling Object modeling Object modeling technique describes a method for the analysis, design, and implementation of a system using an object-oriented technique. Object modeling technique consists of four phases, which can be performed iteratively are Analysis, system design, object design, implementation Dynamic modeling The dynamic model describes the functionalities involved in the project and the person performing those functionalities. Following are the different kind of dynamic diagrams namely; Use case, Sequence, Activity diagrams. Use case diagram Ause case diagramis the simple and it is a represented as the user’s interaction with the system and describes the specifications of ause case. A use case diagram can represent the different kinds of users of a system and the different ways that they will interact with the system. Such diagrams is typically used in conjunction with the textualuse caseas well as it will often be accompanied by other kinds of diagrams. It is the high level piece of functionality that the system provides. An actor is one who interacts with the system. This Use Case diagrams are included into two modeling languages defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). Both the UML and SysML standards define a graphical notation for modeling use cases with diagrams. One complain is that they will not define the format for depicting these use cases. Generally both the graphical notation and the descriptions are very important as they document the use case and it is showing the reason for which an actor uses a system. The use case diagram shows the place of use case with the other use cases. As organizing the mechanism a set of consistent and coherent use cases promotes important figure of system behavior and have a common understanding between the customer or owner or user and the development team. Sequence diagrams Asequence diagramis a kind ofinteraction diagramthat shows how processes is operated with one another and in what order the processes is operated. It is the construction of aMessage Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram shows how the object interaction is arranged in time sequence. It describes the objects and classes which is involved in the scenario as well as in the sequence of messages that has been exchanged between the objects and it is needed to carry out the functions of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically mixed with use case in the Logical View of the system in the development. Sequence diagrams are calledevent diagrams orevent scenarios andtiming diagrams. A sequence diagram shows the parallel vertical lines (lifelines), the different processes or objects that live parallel and the horizontal arrow. The messages exchanged between them in an order in which they have occurred. This allows the specification of simple runtime in a graphical manner. Sequence diagrams Create the account Account Acceptance res Upload the file File received confirmation Create the End User account Account confirmation Request the file File request confirmation File sending response VM’s details Threshold Details Account details Figure 5.2 : Sequence diagrams Activity diagram Activity diagrams is a graphical representations of flow of work of steps that have taken in the activities and actions with support for choice and interact and concurrency. In the UML activity diagrams are intends to for both the computational and also for the organizational processes (i.e. workflows).. Activity diagrams 1 Figure 5.3 : Activity diagrams 1 Activity diagrams 2 Figure 5.4 : Activity diagrams 2 Functional modeling Afunction modelorfunctional modelinsystems engineeringandsoftware engineering is a structured representation of thefunctions(activities,actions,processes,operations) within the modeledsystemor subject area. A function model, similar with theactivity modelorprocess model, is a graphical representation of anenterprises function within a defined scope. The main purposes of the function model is to describe the functions and processes, and help with discovery of information needs and also help to identify opportunities, and establish a basis for determine the product and the actual service costs. Data flow diagram Adata flow diagram(DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through aninformation system modeling its process. The step is used to create an overall view of the system which can be elaborated later. DFDs are also used for visualizationofdata processing(structured design). A DFD shows what type of information will be input to and what type of information will the output from the system, and from where the comes and from where it goes to, and where the data will be exactly stored in the system. It does not show information about the time of processes or gives the information about the processes will operate in parallel way or in a sequence way (which is shown on aflowchart). DFDs are the model of the proposed system. They should clearly show the requirements on which the new system should be built. Later during the design activity is taken as the basis for drawing the system’s structure charts. The Basic Notation used to create a DFD’s are as follows: 1. Dataflow: Data move in a specific direction from an origin to a destination. 2. Process: People, procedures, or devices that use or produce (Transform) Data. The physical component is not identified. 3. Source: External sources or destination of data, which may be People, programs, organizations or other entities 4. Data Store: Here data are stored or referenced by a process in the System. ER Diagram An ER model is an abstract way of describing adatabase. In the case of arelational database, which stores data in tables, some of the data in these tables point to data in other tables. It is essential to have one of these if you want to create a good database design. The patterns help focus on how the database actual works with all of the interactions and data flows. Building Blocks of Entity Diagram are: Entities: An entity is a ‘’thing†that exists and can be uniquely identià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ed. Relations: A (binary) relationship type is an association between two entity types. Attributes: Attribute names (or simply attributes) are properties of entity types. The Main Advantages of Entity relation diagrams are: They are relatively simple They are user friendly They can provide a unique view of data, which is independent of any data models Module Description NICE Systems consists of following sub modules such as: Data Owner Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Virtual Machine for Cloud data storage Attack Analyzer Remote User Data Owner: Users who have the data and that have to be stored in the cloud and rely on the cloud for data computation, it consist of both the individual consumers and the organizations. Cloud Service Provider (CSP): A Cloud Service Provider (CSP) who has significant resources and who are expert in building and managing distributed cloud storage servers on different virtual machines, owns and operates live Cloud Computing systems. Virtual Machine for Cloud data storage Cloud data storage, a user will stores his data through a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) into a group of cloud servers, which are running in a simultaneous, the user interacts with the cloud servers via CSP to access or retrieve his data. In some cases, the user may need to perform block level operations on his data. Users should be equipped with security means so that they can make continuous correctness assurance of their stored data even without the existence of local copies. The cloud consists of different Virtual machines on which the owner data will be allocated and shared and the cloud will listen the different types of attackers called Stable. There does not exist any known vulnerability on the VM. Vulnerable. Presence of one or more vulnerabilities on a VM, which remains unexploited.
Friday, October 25, 2019
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essay -- Essays Papers
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In the beginning of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Marguerite, later known as Maya begins to tell the story of her childhood. When her parents divorced, they sent her & her brother, Bailey to live in Stamps, Arkansas with their Grandmother (Momma) and their Uncle Willie. The kids go to school in Stamps and work in the store that Momma and Uncle Willie own. One year, while they were in Stamps, their father came to visit. When he was getting ready to return to California, he asked the kids if they wanted to come back with him to live. They agreed. Momma was also glad to have them off her hands even though she enjoyed having them around. While they were in the car, their father revealed that they were going to St. Louis to see their mother. Maya and Bailey hadn’t seen her for a very long time to they were happy about the side trip. After three days in St. Louis, their father left again. They were there to live with their mother. Maya felt that he was a stranger anyway so it didn’t bother her at all. Maya and Bailey’s mother had three brothers who had good jobs with the city. Their family was respected in the area they lived in and everyone knew who they were. The children were also introduced to Mr. Freeman, their mother’s boyfriend. He didn’t interact with them much. He often came home late at night and they didn’t talk to him very much. One morning, after Maya’s mother had left, Mr. Freeman ca...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
John Keats’ “On the Sonnet†and William Wordsworth “Convent’s narrow room†Essay
Two sonnets, â€Å"On the Sonnet†by John Keats and â€Å"Nuns fret not at their convent’s narrow room†by William Wordsworth, address the same subject, the restrictions of the sonnet. Despite the same subject matter, they approach these restrictions using different forms and imagery, and each has his own opinion of the subject. Keats starts off his sonnet using an allusion from Greek mythology: Andromeda, a princess chained to a rock and in danger of being devoured by a sea monster. This was his main idea and criticism of the structure of the sonnet–if poets are chained by the Shakespearean or Italian format, the sonnet will eventually lose its spirit and be devoured over time. He advises his fellow sonneteers to â€Å"fit the naked foot of poesy†, like us wearing shoes by breaking the rhythm and imposing creativity on the form, so the sonnet can endure. This is because it will stand out among mediocre sonnets. Keats` other allusion is to King Midas and his gold; he uses Midas to express how miserly poets have to be with their words and not to use clichà ©s, â€Å"dead leaves in the bay-wreath crown†. His last allusion is to the Muse-Greek goddess of art-to express the creativeness and freedom needed for the beauty of poetry. With â€Å"the weight of too much liberty†, poetry is as restrictive as ever, argues Wordsworth. If these restrictions are too much, do not write a sonnet because like poets who write a sonnet, nuns choose their convents, hermits their cells, maids their looms and bees their foxglove bells: all make this choice willingly. This vivid imagery makes plain what writing a sonnet is all about: a personal choice to chain ourselves because we enjoy it. It is sometimes better to play in a â€Å"scanty plot of ground†then run through the vast open fields and be lost and confused. The restrictions are what makes it more challenging and forces us to create something more beautiful than just prose. Wordsworth finds peace in a restrictive sonnet, like us when we lock ourselves in our room to do the same. Each true to his word and ideas, the poets practice what they preach in their sonnets. Keats does not write his sonnet in any particular known form. It is broken into three parts; ln 1-6: expressing what poetry is like; ln 7-9: what poets must pay attention to; ln 10-14: what poets must avoid in writing. He follows what he says about â€Å"if we must be constrained†, that he wrote the poem in iambic pentameter. Wordsworth as well does what he says about writing true to the sonnets restrictions. His entire sonnet consists of only 4 rhymes, abba abba cddc cd, and the poem is also broken into three parts, ln 1-7: comparing the sonnet to other things in life, ln 8-9 ½: his statement on the sonnet restrictions, and ln 9 ½-14: why his statement is so. Neither seems to agree about the roles restrictions play in the sonnet–Keats complains about them and tells us how to make the sonnet better, while Wordsworth is saying, take the challenge and enjoy doing it.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Bear Came Over the Mountain by Alice Munro
The Bear Came Over the Mountain by Alice Munro Alice Munro (b. 1931) is a Canadian writer who focuses almost exclusively on short stories. She has received numerous literary awards, including the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature and the 2009 Man Booker Prize. Munros stories, nearly all of which are set in small-town Canada, feature everyday people navigating ordinary life. But the stories themselves are anything but ordinary. Munros precise, unflinching observations unmask her characters in a way that is simultaneously uncomfortable and reassuring- uncomfortable because Munros x-ray vision feels as if it could easily unmask the reader as well as the characters, but reassuring because Munro’s writing passes so little judgment. It is hard to come away from these stories of ordinary lives without feeling as if youve learned something about your own. The Bear Came Over the Mountain was originally published in the December 27, 1999, edition of The New Yorker. The magazine has made the complete story available for free online. In 2006, the story was adapted into a film titled, directed by Sarah Polley. Plot Grant and Fiona have been married for forty-five years. When Fiona shows signs of deteriorating memory, they realize she needs to live in a nursing home. During her first 30 days there- during which Grant is not permitted to visit- Fiona seems to forget her marriage to Grant and develops a strong attachment to a resident named Aubrey. Aubrey is only in residence temporarily, while his wife takes a much-needed holiday. When the wife returns and Aubrey leaves the nursing home, Fiona is devastated. The nurses tell Grant that she will probably forget Aubrey soon, but she continues to grieve and waste away. Grant tracks down Aubreys wife, Marian, and tries to convince her to move Aubrey permanently to the facility. She cannot afford to do so without selling her house, which she initially refuses to do. By the end of the story, presumably through a romantic connection, he makes with Marian, Grant is able to bring Aubrey back to Fiona. But by this point, Fiona seems not to remember Aubrey but rather to have renewed affection for Grant. What Bear? What Mountain? You are probably familiar with some version of the folk/childrens song The Bear Came Over the Mountain. There are variations of the specific lyrics, but the gist of the song is always the same: the bear goes over the mountain, and what he sees when he gets there is the other side of the mountain. So what does this have to do with Munros story? One thing to consider is the irony created by using a light-hearted childrens song as the title for a story about aging. Its a nonsense song, innocent and amusing. Its funny because, of course, the bear saw the other side of the mountain. What else would he see? The jokes on the bear, not on the singer of the song. The bears the one who did all that work, perhaps hoping for a more exciting and less predictable reward than the one he inevitably got. But when you juxtapose this childhood song with a story about aging, the inevitability seems less humorous and more oppressive. There is nothing to be seen except on the other side of the mountain. Its all downhill from here, not so much in the sense of being easy as in the sense of deterioration, and theres nothing innocent or amusing about it. In this reading, it doesnt really matter who the bear is. Sooner or later, the bear is all of us. But perhaps youre the kind of reader who needs the bear to represent a specific character in the story. If so, I think the best case can be made for Grant. It is clear that Grant has been repeatedly unfaithful to Fiona throughout their marriage, though he has never considered leaving her. Ironically, his effort to save her by bringing Aubrey back and putting an end to her grieving is accomplished through yet another infidelity, this time with Marian. In this sense, the other side of the mountain looks a lot like the first side. Came or Went Over the Mountain? When the story opens, Fiona and Grant are young university students who have agreed to get married, but the decision almost seems to be on a whim. He thought maybe she was joking when she proposed to him, Munro writes. And indeed, Fionas proposal does sound only half-serious. Shouting over the waves at the beach, she asks Grant, Do you think it would be fun if we got married? A new section begins with the fourth paragraph, and the wind-blown, wave-crashing, youthful exuberance of the opening section has been replaced by a calmer sense of ordinary concerns (Fiona is trying to wipe away a smudge on the kitchen floor). Its clear that some time has passed between the first and second sections, but the first time I read this story and learned that Fiona was already seventy years old, I still felt a jolt of surprise. It seemed that her youth- and their entire marriage- had been dispensed with too unceremoniously. Then I assumed that the sections would alternate. Wed read about the carefree younger lives, then the older lives, then back again, and it would all be sweet and balanced and wonderful. Except that isnt what happens. What happens is that the rest of the story focuses on the nursing home, with occasional flashbacks to Grants infidelities or to Fionas earliest signs of memory loss. The bulk of the story, then, takes place on the figurative other side of the mountain. And this is the critical difference between came and went in the title of the song. Though I believe went is a more common version of the song, Munro chose came. Went implies that the bear is going away from us, which leaves us, as readers, safe on the side of youth. But came is the opposite. Came suggests that were already on the other side; in fact, Munro has made sure of it. All that we can see- all that Munro will allow us to see- is the other side of the mountain.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Mothers Day Quotes From Daughters
Mothers Day Quotes From Daughters They may not know it, but young daughters often emulate their mothers. Deep in her heart, every girl is like her mother. A mother understands this well. So she tries to protect her daughter from the setbacks that she faced in her youth. Some mothers are known to be very tough on their daughters. I have seen this myself. When I asked a few moms, why they tighten the reins for daughters, the common reply is, I have to prepare her for the world to face the hard knocks of life. I have often wondered if this approach is correct. But I cannot deny that beneath the strict facade, there is a mother who loves her daughter. This is why a mother is a daughters best friend. Here are Mothers Day quotes from daughters who have achieved great success. Kate Beckinsale My daughter comes with me everywhere. I don’t leave her behind. But it is hard. I mean, I think any working mother will tell you that what kind of falls by the wayside, you know, are the hours of sleep that you wish you had, and all that. I feel incredibly lucky and blessed, but I do sometimes feel like that exorcist lady! Ann Taylor Who ran to help me when I fell, / Or kissed the place to make it well? My mother. Sarah Josepha Hale No influence is so powerful as that of the mother. Katherine Butler Hathaway Mother is the one we count on for the things that matter most of all. Lisa Alther Any mother could perform the jobs of several air-traffic controllers with ease. Beverly Jones Now, as always, the most automated appliance in a household is the mother. Carrie Latet My mom is literally a part of me. You cant say that about many people except relatives, and organ donors. Dorothy Canfield A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary. Helen Rowland It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son, and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him. Maya Angelou To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power. Barbara Kingsolver The strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Building My Faith in God Essay Example
Building My Faith in God Essay Example Building My Faith in God Essay Building My Faith in God Essay I grew up in a Catholic family where I was taught how to live with my belief in God. I also evolved it in a community having a good tradition of faith. Obviously, I have that faith in my mind like a custom without any doubts, or actually, I did not know if I felt dubitative or not. Similarly many other children in the community, I had to go to the church every Sunday to hearing and studying the Bible. I also was taught to believe in God, and everything He has done in my life. Although doing all of this in my whole childhood, I did not trust in Him too much. Whether God existed or not, it didn’t matter to me. After having gone far to studying, I had to face with many things affecting on what I had learned about my faith. When knowing about Darwins evolution theory, showing we were not created by God but by a natural selection, I totally did not agree with it. I, even so, were confused and felt doubt about my faith after facing with many questions were set up to me. Nonetheless, when I have been confronting with many problems in my life, and when I could not find anyone consoling me, then the finally one I always think is God. When I also have felt impasse with my decisions, the last one I think is God. Even though always finally thinking about Him, I constantly feel comfort after talking to Him. I, moreover, feel peaceful every time I come to see Him although not really an ethical person. Whenever I come to see and pray with Him, I just simply sit there and look at Him to think about my problems and let Him leads me. From Him spreading out a power to relieve all my troubles, and it makes me feel better. I have learned my life is always better when I am living in line with God. All my trials are easier with him by my side. It is not my natural state to be peaceful in a stressful time, but anytime I slow down and quiet down, I feel His hand is reaching out and handing me blessings even in my darkness time. Nevertheless, not all the t
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Firm that Works in an Ecosystem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 26
Firm that Works in an Ecosystem - Essay Example The document or text goes ahead to give an example of a firm that works in an ecosystem that is Intel cooperation. Intel works in a network with its suppliers or upstream (like ASML and Nikon) and distributors in order to be successful. However, unlike in the second document that does not state the consequence of participating in a certain activity, the first text explains that some firms work independently and do not share information with the ecosystem; as a result, they suffer from problems such as delays. This text focus on why inter-firm coordination and interaction of investment decisions is important. Further, it critically examines the kinds of inter-firm coordination accounting and information systems are designed to enable this coordination such as roadmaps. In addition, the first text centers entirely on the operation of the business. For instance, it asserts that It is important to identify rival firms and determine their weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, capabilities , objectives, threats, and strategies. Competitive intelligence is, therefore, the main determinant for the success of a business organization in a commercial environment. Weaknesses of competitors are an indication of external opportunities while the strengths of the competitors are the threats of a business organization. It is also important for a business organization to collect competitive information, as this would be advantageous in setting up strategies. On the other hand, the second text aims at educating the public why reviews are conducted and the government department responsible for carrying out this function. In the end, they manage to deliver their message to the audience by convincing them to accept the information presented.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Peaceful settlements of Disputes between states & International Court Essay
Peaceful settlements of Disputes between states & International Court of Justice - Essay Example Q2. The ICJ is the International Court of Justice, and it is the judicial branch of the UN. Its primary function is to decide legal disputes of states based on the law as it stands at the time of the decision. All members of the UN are automatically contracting parties to the Statute of the ICJ (Hernandez 43). -Contentious Jurisdiction says that the court decides disputes between States and only states can be parties to the proceedings. This means that the ICJ can only hold proceedings if they have the consent of all parties (states) involved in the dispute. All disputes must be brought on a voluntary basis. Contentious jurisdiction also says that all judgments are final and cannot be appealed. They are binding on all parties involved. Advisory Jurisdiction is in charge of providing legal advice to organs of the UN and international organizations. Advisory opinions can only be given when a legal question is asked and cannot settle any particular dispute. The court can also decline its jurisdiction based on judicial propriety (Aust
The General Principles of Financial Management Essay
The General Principles of Financial Management - Essay Example Profit maximization is the main aim for which the whole organization put in efforts too but it not the only goal of the firm as discussed above. The change in the value of firm can be measured by the change in Earnings/Share which shows the per share return to investors. (Gitman, 2006) Managers and their co-workers can not only depend on the main aim of an organization which is to maximize its profits. It is because of the timing of the cash received is important as the t soon as it is received is better because of the concept of time value of money. Owners receive cash in form of dividend and hence higher EPS doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be an increase in dividends as managers may increase their own bonuses instead. Maximizing profit might result in more risky investments made and hence increasing the beta of the firm so profit maximization is not the only main goal of firm. (Gitman, 2006) Question#2: Total risk of any firm can be bifurcated into two categories: a ) Diversifiable risk b) Non-diversifiable risk The diversifiable risk is one that can be diversified by taking some crude actions and making sure that firm doesn’t lose anything as a whole. This is a kind of risk that is just specific to a firm such as fire at a warehouse. This type of risk can be diversified if special precautionary measures are taken and hence it is in control of the firm to reduce such kind of risk. The chances of fire at workplace can be reduced by placing special notifications at flammable spots in the factory and other working areas. Therefore, this kind of risk is usually referred to as firm-specific-risk or nonsystematic risk. The non-diversifiable risk is the one that is out of firms own control and affects all firms in the industry with the same effect on each of them. This kind of risk is not avoidable and hence no contingency planning can help any firm in this case. The example of this kind of risk is when government increases the tax rate of the firms, they all have to bear it and none can take any step to avoid such an alteration in law. Therefore these kinds of risks are known as market risk or unsystematic risk as well. Therefore it is said that if you can’t do anything about something you just bear with it and hence nonsystematic risk is usually considered to be irrelevant while making long-term decisions. (Niehaus, 1999) Question#3: Weighted marginal cost of capital is the cost of borrowing/financing next extra dollar. The graph that portrays the cost of capital of a firm can be used to identify WMCC. The graph shows the discount rate that is applicable at each point or dollar of financing that is required. Marginal cost of capital is the rate that the firm will pay in return to its financings achieved through a particular source. WMCC is weighted average cost of all the financings done by the firm through several sources like debt, preferred stock, common stock, debentures, loans etc. each financing activity ha s different cost attached to it like common stock bear high cost then debentures or bonds because the holders of common stock have the right to vote for the selection of board of directors and also bear a risk of not attaining anything in terms of dividends if the business make loss in any year. Bonds on the other hand have a fixed rate of interest that is to be paid to the bondholders at the end of every year regardless of the fact that business made any profit or not.
Literacy narrative in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Literacy narrative in context - Essay Example In his narrative text, Baca recalls that â€Å"From the time I was seven; teachers had been punishing me for not knowing my lessons†(Baca, 3). Nevertheless, that limitation did not stop him from becoming a high caliber writer, despite Baca’s recollection that â€Å"Ashamed of not understanding and fearful of asking questions, I dropped out of school in the ninth grade†p4. Therefore, my essay, â€Å"Growing Up and How I Did It†can be written better, through the extensive application of personal experiences, explained into details to form a complete life narration that can then comprise a narrative. Jimmy Baca’s text presents the elaborate way through which personal experiences and the components of a person’s life can be transformed into an inspiring and motivational content, which then can be applied by others to gain insights on how to make accomplishments in life, even without having sufficient resources at an individual’s disposal (Baca, 4). However, it is the text, â€Å"A Rationale of Textual Criticism†by Tanselle, which introduces new insights on how constructive criticism can be applied to make a written work of literature better, through applying either the positive or the negative approach to improve a written piece of work (Tanselle 20). Therefore, through the application of positive criticism, my essay c an be improved into an interesting story, considering that my writing experiences are unique in the sense that I learnt writing early while still in the kindergarten, which is not a requirement for children in this class. Through positive criticism as discussed by Tanselle, the early writing desire can be a basis of developing a narrative that revolves around many other unique or extraordinary experiences and characteristics, which then can form a basis of a motivational and inspiring text, like the one developed through Jimmy Baca’s personal life experiences, but only when combined with further constructive imagination (Tanselle, 33).. Tanselle has reduced this whole concept by stating that â€Å"those most emphatic in holding that the meaning of literature emerges from a knowledge of its historical context†¦are in fact hindering their progress toward their goal†p34. Writers are destined to fail in developing some influential piece of written literature, â€Å" if they do not recognize that artifacts may be less reliable witnesses to the past than their own imaginative reconstructions†(Tanselle 34). Additionally, negative criticism can also be applied to improve my essay and develop it into a reasonable and inspiring narrative text, considering the much resources and opportunities I have at my disposal, yet there is nothing to show for it. Through placing the wasted opportunities into perspective, such as the time wasted during my childhood playing tag with my friends and the access to valuable resources that I have heard in the course of my school life for sharpening my writing skills, the experiences can be drawn to form a narrative that advises others against misusing or underutilizing the valuable resources at their disposal. This would then form an impressive narrative, which will change the notion that I do not have adequate writing skills, as portrayed in my essay, â€Å"Growing Up and How I Did It†. Tanselle rightly p uts it that â€Å"the act of reading or listening to receive a message from the past entails the effort to discover, through the text (or texts) one is presented with†, p18. This is an indication that through the application of sufficient effort towards discovering the content of the past, there is the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Program Analysis-Enterting the workforce at a later age Essay
Program Analysis-Enterting the workforce at a later age - Essay Example The issue is important because it ensures that all employees remain lively and with elevated spirits. Studies have confirmed that boredom in the workplace reduces employee productivity. People at a later age also continually lose taste and interest in life (Gregory, 2001). They have many depressing life experiences, have families with needs, and think about their life after retirement. These factors may significantly impact on their performance in the workplace if they are not properly looked into. They want an environment full of joy and comfort, especially joy that leads to mental comfort. The later is best attained through entertainment activities. Entertainment affects new workers, single and working couples in a number of ways. It allows the workers to have some joyous space away from the stressing circumstances of daily life. Through entertainment, new workers acclimatize better to the workplace environment by learning to socialize easily with the other employees (Gregory, 2001). The socialization factor is enhanced by the elevated moods of the employees that enable them to talk openly, share ideas and experiences of life. The workplace becomes another home with entertainment and leisure joints over and above the busy schedule. Working couples at a later age may also lack entertainment and fun in their homes. Most of their children are married, working, or studying. This creates an environment of boredom in their homes. Entertainment in the workplace makes them prefer and enjoy being at the workplace. The more they extend their stay at the workplace, the more their productivity increases. They develop a passion and preferen ce for the workplace that makes them good performers. The best workplace program for dealing with entertainment of aged workforce is by initiation of an entertainment joint at the workplace. After the busy
Management issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Management issue - Essay Example Management in the contemporary business world is increasingly encountering the inevitable need to respond to change like never before, especially because sudden shifts in the global business environment such as globalization and technological advancements often demand so (Mastenbroek, 1996). The rapid explosion of knowledge and information systems has instigated the massive growth of social media, and mobile adaptability, which are remarkable phenomenon that have revolutionized the way of doing business in the modern world to great expanses, thus, creating the need for change, and change management accordingly. Furthermore, the increased ease of access to information through the internet has led to unprecedented challenges such as the excessive scrutiny from stockholders and the media, thus, businesses world over must always stay on the alert because they are wary of prying ears and eyes that might sabotage their operations due to bad publicity. Business executives all over the world are under pressure from the left, right, and centre, and have to seek ways of adapting to the pervasive changes that surround their organizations for them to continue operating profitably and sustainably as well. In this regard, change management is a central focus in global organizations today (Beekman, Chenhall & Euske, 2007), especially because the capacity to manage and adapt to change is the single most significant approach to surviving competition in the highly complex and dynamic business environment today. Change Management As already indicated before, organizations all over the world are facing a great threat of extinction due to the rapidly changing and challenging global business environment and have to adopt some rapid structural and operational changes quickly to ensure both their continued existence and profitability. The ability to respond to the rapid changes that are occurring in the global business environment quickly and successfully is a potential source of comp etitive advantages that cushions organizations from stiff completion in the business markets, especially because they are able to leverage on new opportunities that present themselves due to change. However, in ability to respond to changes effectively and fast enough makes organizations to fall behind in terms of business trends, thereby falling out of trade too, due to both logistical and technical challenges that cannot be resolved in the absence of adaptability. Every organization today is focusing on strategies that will lead to high performance and industry competitiveness, thereby ensuring profitability and survival of business; management is facing the greatest challenge ever, of managing the organizational change process effectively towards achieving the desired future state. Both internal and external forces often motivate organizational change (Stewart & Kringas, 2003); however, external forces exert a considerably profound impact on organizations than the internal pressu res; when charting the way forward or the organization’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Literacy narrative in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Literacy narrative in context - Essay Example In his narrative text, Baca recalls that â€Å"From the time I was seven; teachers had been punishing me for not knowing my lessons†(Baca, 3). Nevertheless, that limitation did not stop him from becoming a high caliber writer, despite Baca’s recollection that â€Å"Ashamed of not understanding and fearful of asking questions, I dropped out of school in the ninth grade†p4. Therefore, my essay, â€Å"Growing Up and How I Did It†can be written better, through the extensive application of personal experiences, explained into details to form a complete life narration that can then comprise a narrative. Jimmy Baca’s text presents the elaborate way through which personal experiences and the components of a person’s life can be transformed into an inspiring and motivational content, which then can be applied by others to gain insights on how to make accomplishments in life, even without having sufficient resources at an individual’s disposal (Baca, 4). However, it is the text, â€Å"A Rationale of Textual Criticism†by Tanselle, which introduces new insights on how constructive criticism can be applied to make a written work of literature better, through applying either the positive or the negative approach to improve a written piece of work (Tanselle 20). Therefore, through the application of positive criticism, my essay c an be improved into an interesting story, considering that my writing experiences are unique in the sense that I learnt writing early while still in the kindergarten, which is not a requirement for children in this class. Through positive criticism as discussed by Tanselle, the early writing desire can be a basis of developing a narrative that revolves around many other unique or extraordinary experiences and characteristics, which then can form a basis of a motivational and inspiring text, like the one developed through Jimmy Baca’s personal life experiences, but only when combined with further constructive imagination (Tanselle, 33).. Tanselle has reduced this whole concept by stating that â€Å"those most emphatic in holding that the meaning of literature emerges from a knowledge of its historical context†¦are in fact hindering their progress toward their goal†p34. Writers are destined to fail in developing some influential piece of written literature, â€Å" if they do not recognize that artifacts may be less reliable witnesses to the past than their own imaginative reconstructions†(Tanselle 34). Additionally, negative criticism can also be applied to improve my essay and develop it into a reasonable and inspiring narrative text, considering the much resources and opportunities I have at my disposal, yet there is nothing to show for it. Through placing the wasted opportunities into perspective, such as the time wasted during my childhood playing tag with my friends and the access to valuable resources that I have heard in the course of my school life for sharpening my writing skills, the experiences can be drawn to form a narrative that advises others against misusing or underutilizing the valuable resources at their disposal. This would then form an impressive narrative, which will change the notion that I do not have adequate writing skills, as portrayed in my essay, â€Å"Growing Up and How I Did It†. Tanselle rightly p uts it that â€Å"the act of reading or listening to receive a message from the past entails the effort to discover, through the text (or texts) one is presented with†, p18. This is an indication that through the application of sufficient effort towards discovering the content of the past, there is the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Management issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Management issue - Essay Example Management in the contemporary business world is increasingly encountering the inevitable need to respond to change like never before, especially because sudden shifts in the global business environment such as globalization and technological advancements often demand so (Mastenbroek, 1996). The rapid explosion of knowledge and information systems has instigated the massive growth of social media, and mobile adaptability, which are remarkable phenomenon that have revolutionized the way of doing business in the modern world to great expanses, thus, creating the need for change, and change management accordingly. Furthermore, the increased ease of access to information through the internet has led to unprecedented challenges such as the excessive scrutiny from stockholders and the media, thus, businesses world over must always stay on the alert because they are wary of prying ears and eyes that might sabotage their operations due to bad publicity. Business executives all over the world are under pressure from the left, right, and centre, and have to seek ways of adapting to the pervasive changes that surround their organizations for them to continue operating profitably and sustainably as well. In this regard, change management is a central focus in global organizations today (Beekman, Chenhall & Euske, 2007), especially because the capacity to manage and adapt to change is the single most significant approach to surviving competition in the highly complex and dynamic business environment today. Change Management As already indicated before, organizations all over the world are facing a great threat of extinction due to the rapidly changing and challenging global business environment and have to adopt some rapid structural and operational changes quickly to ensure both their continued existence and profitability. The ability to respond to the rapid changes that are occurring in the global business environment quickly and successfully is a potential source of comp etitive advantages that cushions organizations from stiff completion in the business markets, especially because they are able to leverage on new opportunities that present themselves due to change. However, in ability to respond to changes effectively and fast enough makes organizations to fall behind in terms of business trends, thereby falling out of trade too, due to both logistical and technical challenges that cannot be resolved in the absence of adaptability. Every organization today is focusing on strategies that will lead to high performance and industry competitiveness, thereby ensuring profitability and survival of business; management is facing the greatest challenge ever, of managing the organizational change process effectively towards achieving the desired future state. Both internal and external forces often motivate organizational change (Stewart & Kringas, 2003); however, external forces exert a considerably profound impact on organizations than the internal pressu res; when charting the way forward or the organization’
Heathcliff and Cathy (Wuthering Heights) Essay Example for Free
Heathcliff and Cathy (Wuthering Heights) Essay Through the duration of Heathcliffs life, he encounters many tumultuous events that affects him as a person and transforms his rage deeper into his soul, for which he is unable to escape his nature. Love, however, seems to be at the centre of his rage. From the beginning of the novel (and most likely from the beginning of Heathcliffs life) he has suffered pain and rejection. When Mr. Earnshaw brings him to Wuthering Heights, he is viewed as a thing rather than a child. Mrs. Earnshaw was ready to fling it out the doors, while Nelly put it on the landing of the stairs hoping that it would be gone the next day. Hindley had a deep sibling rivalry for the child. Without having done anything to deserve rejection, Heathcliff is made to feel like an outsider. Following the death of Mr. Earnshaw, Heathcliff suffers cruel mistreatment at the hands of Hindley. It seems that in these tender years, he is deprived of love, friendship, and education. He is separated from the family, reduced to the status of a servant, undergoes regular beatings, but most of all, he is forcibly separated from his soul mate, Catherine. The personality that Heathcliff develops in his adulthood has been formed in response to these hardships of his childhood. The most implicating sense of alienation occurs with Catherines marriage to Edgar, Heathcliff considers this a betrayal of his love for her, since she wants the social status and existence at the Grange. Heathcliff is however proud and determined and does not cower when opposed by those consider themselves to be superiors. Finally, when he realizes that Catherine has chosen status, wealth and position over him, he disappears for three years and returns in the manner of a gentleman. Nelly, I see now you think me a selfish wretch; but did it never strike you that if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars? whereas, if I marry Linton I can aid Heathcliff to rise, and place him out of my brothers power.' The problem, however, is the nature behind Catherine Lintons romantic ideology. She boldly loves Heathcliff for who he is, it seems she is quite selfish in some ways and cares equally about status since her stay at Thrushcross Grange. While she weighs the options of either being with the wild but alluring Heathcliff over the wealthy but displeasing Edgar Linton, she decides that her own needs and wants could be fulfilled. How wrong she was. These lines show her struggle, they show her ignorance, and give the reader the sense that her whole life revolves around herself. She liked the attention that she got from this predicament and will continue to get attention until it finally kills her. The passage indicates a dilemma among one self. This type of problem usually centers on the ignorance of the subject. She lead herself into a to a self-inflicting sickness ultimately leading to the deterioration of the mind and the body. It is in this one dialogue that defines her character for the rest of the novel. Good intentioned, but nonetheless has the wrong idea. She is a woman who, in her fatal decision, has killed herself. From then on, Heathcliff is in reality, a man torn between love and hate. Since his depths of his passions, he hates as deeply as he loves. As Heathcliff approaches death and a reunion of Catherine, he no longer has an interest for revenge. He falls deeply into a spiritual torment. He is a powerful villain driven by revenge, and made emotionally unstable by Catherines marriage. This later Heathcliff is characterized by coldness; by an incapacity to love and ultimately by getting revenge against those who have disconnected him with his beloved Catherine. Just as he begins life, he ends life as an unloved, lonely outsider.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysing The Film Saving Private Ryan Film Studies Essay
Analysing The Film Saving Private Ryan Film Studies Essay Saving Private Ryan is an award-winning film directed by Stephen Spielberg. He is particularly remembered for directing films such as Jaws, Jurassic park and Indiana Jones. The phenomenal directors first film he created himself was a war film, which shows he was fascinated from a young age. The film stars famous actors such as Tom Hanks and Matt Damon; it hit the public by storm in the summer of 1998 and is significantly remembered for its epic and horrific 27 minute opening sequence. This scene is very emotional as we witness countless soldiers being slaughtered. The film was awarded five academy awards, including one for best sound and one for best screenplay to name a few. Stephen also won best director for directing the film. Saving Private Ryan had tremendously satisfying reviews that resulted in comments including Spielberg spares the viewer nothing of the horrors of battle and an important film that deconstructs war machines into separate, frightened men as it so likely was. S pielberg wanted to show us what war was really like, he wanted to put chaos on the screen , which is different to many other war films, for example, Inglourious Basterds, which focuses on a fictional storyline that does not include non-fictional happenings and does not show the horrors of the war itself. Spielberg wanted his audience to feel like those green recruits. As a result, the vast majority of the shot were at eye level and he made a great deal of use of handheld cameras throughout the film. The resulting images are shaking and chaotic resulting in an audience feeling like they were there, many audiences even said that while watching the battle scenes they felt queasy. The de-saturated colour emphasised the blood in the second scene which was to depict the fact that a devastating amount of men died in the battle, and it was a particularly scarring experience for them all. The first scene of the film starts off with a low-angle close-up shot of a de-saturated coloured American flag flapping in the wind to show respect for those that fought in the war, age and the victory of the outcome. There is non-diagetic sound playing in the background of military drums, so we know right from the beginning this is an active war film. Subsequent to this we see the future Ryan (although we do not know this yet) walking hastily to a grave in a war cemetery, he is cut off from his family, showing he is cut off from the world, because this was his own personal experience, he is limping which shows he was injured in some way or it is just because he is so old, the camera recognises this through a range of medium shots and long shots of Ryan and his family as he walks in front of them. When Ryan gets to a certain grave, we know there is significance as he breaks down and cries, this shows hes remembering what happened to these men and is emotional about it, the war must h ave had an impact on him because of the chaos and horrors that occurred during it. The camera then makes an extreme close up into his eyes which then links to his thoughts which is the sound of shooting and fighting, this then fades in as we smoothly progress into the first war scene. As we think the elderly man is thinking this, we believe throughout the film that he is truly Captain Miller, when he is actually not. Overall, this introductory scene gets the audience ready for the shock they will experience later. This is effective from the camera angles and Spielberg chose the quiet and tranquil sounds in the scene to contrast the loud sounds of the scenes to come. Merged from the scene with the elderly man, in the next scene we see a landing craft with many frightened soldiers waiting to be told to go and fight. We feel like we are there with them on the craft as Spielberg used the camera effect of panning to go around all the soldiers. We see soldiers being sick, soldiers kissing lucky charms and soldiers shivering. The panning then stops and a close up is made at a man drinking from his water bottle. His hands are shaking to show fear of what is about to happen. The man looks up to reveal he is a captain, we later hear he is Captain John Miller, this depicts the fact that everybody was scared, it didnt matter how high up you were. The use of panning was effective because the viewer feels like they are really there and experiencing what is going on, this helps the viewer to feel empathy for the soldiers in the landing craft. The tension rises as the men continue to look pale and frightened until the landing crafts barrier opens. As soon as th e landing craft opens, we are moved to behind the craft, as though we are watching over the men. The chaos starts immediately, this show an obvious contrast to waiting for battle bits of flesh are flying everywhere and the fear erupts at once, screaming occurs. Spielberg also shows chaos through handheld cameras during this scene, we feel as though we are there and the fighting takes over all other emotions, the hand held cameras also show that this film is from the soldiers prospective. There is also a long shot of the men running to their target point from the Germans prospective. It shows us just how much of a slaughter this battle was as the Germans have a clear view of the whole beach, they are bound to kill many. We see hundreds of soldiers already injured and one stands out from the rest as he is screaming for his mum. This distinguishes just how young some of these soldiers were, some were even as young as 15, which is the same age as me, I feel empathy for the boys who died in this scene as if I was there I would feel really sick and terrified, I know this as when I watched the scene I truthfully felt like I was there. Many soldiers try and get away from the chaos by going underwater, underwater it is slow, muffled and quite, which is a contrast to outside which is fast and extremely loud. We then see bullets coming into the water and killed soldiers there and then. This portrays the fact that there is no way of getting away from the chaos of the war, there is always a big chance you will be killed. Miller having entered the water leaves, there are many reverse angle shots to show what he is seeing on the beach. There is a jerky close up of Miller in slow motion when he goes into a state of shock because of a shell going off right next to him. Because of this he takes his helmet off and hears muffled sounds, he goes into a dream. As soon as Miller puts his helmet back on, reality hits him and the shocks and horrors resume. In the next scene we find many low angled shots of injured men being treated, the true horrors of war a proclaimed by the fact that the Germans are still shooting at the dying men, and the medics trying to save them, the audience sees that the war was not all victory and triumph, but instead ended millions of peoples lives from brutal attacks, like the one in this film. The attacks are so brutal because of the fact that the soldiers on the beach were so vulnerable, there are many low angled shots of the beach to emphasise this. We see Captain Miller on a sandbank with many other soldiers as he finds out he is the last surviving captain of the mission and so he is in charge. As he is being told this a man is shot in the helmet but luckily the helmet saves this, he removes the helmet in amazement and is then shot again and dies. The audience feel for this man as it was so unlucky how he died; it showed how unlucky soldiers were in this battle as so many were slaughtered cold heartedly. This shocks the audience as they get to understand how devastating the war was. In this scene we see Miller with P. Daniel Jackson, Jackson is a Sniper and when the Germans were winning, Miller sent him on a death trail to try and get to a sniper to kill the Germans shooting at where they were. He runs it and I know from many of my classmates as well that we all felt triumph for him. He had risked his life for his fellow soldiers which was an honourable thing to do. When he begins to aim with his sniper, he zones out of everything and the sound becomes muffled, this is because he is concentrating on getting the enemy and has learnt over his training how to do this. The muffled tone makes the scene more realistic and helps the audience to understand his concentration. In the last few scenes of the fighting sequences we see many happenings; one was when there was a reverse angle close up shot of Miller and two soldiers who had killed two surrendering Germans. At first Miller finds what they are doing wrong, but you can see understanding in his facial expressions as the horrors of the fight they had just witnessed and made their hate for the Germans greater. When I watched this I understood what they felt when they saw opposing soldiers, they were the ones who killed their friends and were out to kill them. After the fighting has stopped and everything is calm, the soldiers have mixed reactions. The Sniper began to pray to God, one man broke down a cried, while other soldiers joked with each other, and this showed they were all different but got through the horrors of battle together. The second in command puts soil into a pot and labels it France, we then see from his bag hes been to Africa and many other places, this indicates he is very experienc ed and thats why hes been more calm than most of the others. After this we see millers shaking hand shaking while he took a gulp of his water as he did at the start of the fight scene, this indicates the end of the battle. We then see a long shot of the beach; this shows the red sea and all the dead bodies. This had the most impact on me because there was a lot of blood and a lot of bodies, more than I had imagined, the de saturated colour emphasised the blood as it did throughout the battle scene. To conclude I found the opening scene equipped me well for the rest of the film as Spielberg had flung me right into the deep end, I knew after this scene that there were more scenes like this and knew the blood and gore that would come from it. I found the whole of the sequence very realistic and shocking, the gore was amazing because it looked so real and the men dying gave me a great insight into what war was like for all the soldiers that fought in great battles. Spielberg certainly did succeed in putting chaos on the screen as I definitely found the whole of the war scene chaotic and horrific, the realism contributed to the chaos created on the screen. Spielberg definitely put me off every wanting to go to war as well! Overall I think the film was a great success, it wasnt all heroic like some of the war films are, Spielberg showed war as it was, and for that he deserves the respect he got for a spectacular film.He ha
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Body Systems :: Human Body
Body Systems There are 10 body systems, one of them is the Integumentary (skin). It is composed of hair, skin, nails, sence receptions and oil glands. Its functionis to protect from outside, to regulate the body temperature, to make synthesis of hormones & chemicals and is used as a sense organ. Another one is the Skeletal System (bones). It is made of about 206 bones, that are divided in tho categories: axial bones (in the body by itself) and apendicular bones (arms & legs). We have Joints too. Thei`re divided in Ball Socket (like elbow and shoulders) and sattle (fingers). This system`s function are movement, storage of minerals, blood formation, support of the body and protection of body parts. The next one is the Muscular System. It is composed of muscles (dah). The muscles are divided in visceral or involuntary or smooth (The one in the organs, like intestines), skeletal or voluntary or striated (found superficial to the bones, like biceps, triceps...) and cardiac (heart). Their functions are movement, to maintain body posture & tone and in the production of body heat. Now its time for the Nervous System. Its constructed of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves (neurons). Its functions are to communicate (fast with short duration), integration, and to control. The subsequent system is the Endocrine System (known as ductless too...). This is composed of a lot of things... They are:pituitary gland - below the brain (master gland), pineal gland - brain (It`s called the "third eye" by some, because its sensitive to light cycles), hypothalamus - also in the brain (it works with the pituitary), the thyrodic -
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Epic of Gilgamesh :: essays research papers
Before we read 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' we were learning about ancient civilizations. This book gives us a story to understand how people acted, who they looked up to, & what they believed in. 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' may not be an important text to read, but it's better then taking notes. By reading the story & doing a BBQ everyday is like the same thing. So 'The Epic of Gilgamesh' should be read in the ninth grade global history, since it fits so well with the curriculum. No matter what time period it is just about all civilizations have gender roles. In ancient Sumer most of women in the story are portrayed differently. One of them was a slut (Harlot). Another was completely crazy who hated rejection (Ishtar). After Gilgamesh washed & changed his clothes Ishtar fell in love with him. So Ishtar asked Gilgamesh to marry her. When she was rejected she was furious. Ishtar went to her father Anu & told him what happened. ?My father give me the bull of heaven to destroy Gilgamesh? this quote was found on page 87. Every civilization, country, & state needs a leader if it hopes to be successful. Leaders need to take charge & keep things in order, but a good leader would also be open to change. At the beginning of the story Gilgamesh is hated by all of the people of Uruk. They thought that Gilgamesh was arrogant & he was unfair. Everything changed when Gilgamesh met Enkidu. They started out as friends but when Nisum adopted Enkidu as a son, Gilgamesh & Enkidu got even closer. When Enkidu died Gilgamesh was devastated so he had a statue made for his brother.?Then Gilgamesh issued a proclamation through the land, he summoned them all, the coppersmiths, & the goldsmiths, the stone-workers,& commanded them , ?Make a statue of my friend this quote was found on page 96. This was reckless of Gilgamesh but instead of staying locked up in his room he requested to have something made in his friend?s honor. Gilgamesh showed excellent leadership qualities by taking charge of the situation. Through out this book when ever the characters are faced with a problem they turn to religion. The religion of the story is polytheism which is the belief of many gods.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Negative and Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery
Are you considering cosmetic surgery? The numbers of individuals electing these surgeries are growing rapidly each year. Much of this rapid growth is because of advances in technology that have made plastic surgery techniques both safer and more affordable, as well as cutting down on recovery time. Cosmetic surgery improves body image and self-esteem and reconstructive surgery fixes irregularities such as hereditary disorders, birth defects, or other health issues. These surgeries are an extremely popular method to enhance self-esteem but there are risks an individual should know before having a surgical procedure.Although these surgeries have been practiced for years, they can be harmful and many individuals may expose themselves to an expensive addiction if they are not satisfied with the original results. However, these surgeries can be beneficial by positively shaping many aspects of patient’s lives especially if no complications arise. Although most individuals are largel y unaffected by the risks and eager to obtain surgery, it is important to emphasize the negative and positive effect when considering surgery.Although all surgeries have certain risk factors, individuals considering surgery electively subject themselves to be at risk of certain medical and appearance conditions. It is important to be aware of any complications that may occur such as an adverse effect to anesthesia. For example, complications or risks of anesthesia include blood clots, stroke, and heart palpitations. Even though a certified surgeon will do their best to minimize any complications, patients should be aware of medical and appearance conditions that have the potential to occur.Since surgery involves altering the physical appearance, the surgeon will need to make alterations to the skin that may cause unwanted effects such as asymmetry or other irregularities. With any surgery risk scarring is expected but the surgeon will be able to minimize that risk after the procedur e. However, there are ways to help reduce the risks and complications of surgery. First, the potential patient should choose an appropriate surgeon. The patient will need to locate a surgeon who specializes in cosmetic or reconstructive surgery procedures.When conducting research on appropriate surgeons, ensure recognition by the American Board of Medical Specialties. The American Board of Medical Specialties includes the American Board of Plastic Surgery or the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Mayo Clinic, 2011). Second, when the patient has located a potential surgeon they deem suitable, the patient should request proof of their certifications and successful surgeries. Third, the patient and surgeon should have a consultation.If the patient establishes reachable goals prior to surgery, he or she will be please with the end results. Finally, if the potential surgeon deems the patient acceptable for surgery, the patient can schedule an appointment. After surgery, the patient should follow the instruction of the surgeon to have a safe and healthy recovery process without negative effects. Thus, the negative effects of surgery are an important part of the decision process. The patients should be attentive of the importance to have realistic expectations when having a surgical procedure done.The website WebMD (2011) explains that if an individual is unhappy with their general appearance, cosmetic surgery is not right for the individual because they would want to obtain more than one procedure. Patients expecting dramatic results have the potential to go through periods of depression or anxiety. A surgery such as rhinoplasty is worthwhile for individuals that were teased and unaccepted because of a larger or wider nose. Another example would be an individual who has large breasts and would want to reduce the size because of severe back pain.In comparison, an individual who has smaller breasts but would want to dramatically enlarge them, this may cause people to stare or have a negative perception of the individual. It is important for the patient not to assume or expect people to be pleased with the new image. Patients may experience unwanted attention or disappointment when changing their appearance from close friends, family and the workplace. The changes to physical appearance may cause social challenges involving disapproving looks; it may cause the patient to feel isolated or bitter towards others.Challenges such as these may be hard to manage emotionally and mentally for several reasons. One reason is that surgery results may not appear until days or weeks after the surgery. Patients should realize their appearance will be worse before a significant difference is seen. Another reason is postoperative depression which can be common with surgery. Although surgeons are confident that a surgery is successful, some patients endure feelings of misery and despair that may last weeks after the surgery.Depression can have many causes and it is unknown why it occurs in patients who have cosmetic or reconstructive surgery. Some specific symptoms of post operative depression include loss of energy, appetite and lack of interest in recovering that can interfere with recuperation. During the recovery process, patients may isolate themselves because the results of the surgery are not automatically seen. Patients should also be aware that all procedures are not everlasting and may require follow-up procedures thus causing a financial strain.On the other hand, there are positive effects of cosmetic surgery such as an enhanced quality of life. An enhanced quality of life represents the improvement of an individual’s emotional, physical, psychological and social well-being. According to The Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery (2011) website, in 2005 the American Society of Plastic Surgeons performed a study that found 75 percent of the patients chose cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and have a more active lifestyle.Seventy percent of the patients expressed emotional and mental rewards post surgery. They were happier and had a renewed confidence and higher self-esteem. Forty-five percent have enjoyed the benefit of being more attractive. While there are many reasons why individuals obtain cosmetic surgery; one of the major reasons is to enhance their individual appearance to improve their self-image. Countless adults suffered emotional distress as children and countless children suffer currently because of the heartlessness of their peers.Surgery may be beneficial in these cases because an individual may have developed a negative perception regarding their looks because of their peers. Individuals suffering from scarred tissue due to burns or other deformities can benefit from surgery. In addition, women who lost their breasts due to cancer may choose breast augmentation as a method to regain their confidence. For these types of individuals, the benefits may outweig h the risks. Of course, patients should be realistic by learning about procedures and how they will benefit from them.Patients should be aware that the surgery should be completed by a qualified surgeon. It is critical for the patient to thoroughly research surgeons to increase the possibility of having positive results. A patient should know the length of recovery and how long it will be to see the final results. If the potential patient has a realistic outlook regarding cosmetic surgery, is psychologically competent, and is aware of the negative and positive effects, then he or she is ready to have the selected procedure.References Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery. (2011). Emotional changes after plastic surgery: What you need to know. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic. (2011). Cosmetic surgery: What to know beforehand. Retrieved from WedMD. (2011). Cosmetic surgery and procedures – Overview (continued). Retrieved from
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Tragic History of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
In the Tragic History of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, , the sane Hamlet occasionally switches between sanity and insanity. When madness orders Hamlet’s purpose, he puts on an â€Å"antic disposition†(I. V. 463). On the other hand, when sanity proves worthy, Hamlet continues back to being logical. Hamlet claims he is â€Å"mad north-north-west (II. ii), meaning he is mad sometimes and sane other times. To achieve his goals, Hamlet continues back and forth between sanity and insanity, which ironically, shows his goal of revenge.To begin, Hamlet starts of insanity to try and achieve his goals. Hamlet uses is insanity as a weapon, changing insanity into the form of words or action. Hamlet is only insane towards his enemies or his enemies allies. For example, Hamlet attacks Ophelia, who has allied herself with Claudius with words â€Å"are you honest†(III. i) â€Å"are you fair†(III. i). Hamlet â€Å"speaks daggers†(III. ii) to Gertrude, because she is an interference to Hamlet. Also, Hamlet destroys Polonius so violently that Hamlet guarantees that Polonius is â€Å"dead, for a ducat, dead†(III. iv).Hamlet deeply harms both Ophelia and Gertrude with his words of insanity, while sending Polonius to the grace with his actions of insanity. All three people, Ophelia, Gertrude and Polonius, are Claudius’ allies, and by hurting Claudius’ allies, Hamlet is indirectly wounding Claudius. This is Hamlet’s short term goal: to get rid Claudius of allies. Besides using insanity to harm Claudius’ allies, the little presence of Hamlet’s insanity troubles Claudius. Gradually, Claudius gets more furious with Hamlet and knows that â€Å"madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go†(III. i.). Hamlet's insanity causes Claudius to send people to uncover the mysteries of his insanity. Hamlet's fake madness causes Claudius to increase anger. Claudius' confusion is Hamlet's other short-term goal. In brief, Hamlet's insanity has helped him achieve his short-term goals of eradicating Claudius' allies and confusing Claudius. On the other hand, Hamlet returns to sanity and uses it as a method of concentration. Whenever Hamlet is sane, he is focused on the current situation. When Hamlet encounters the ghost, he tells it to â€Å"speak†, because he is â€Å"bound to hear†(I.v. ). While speaking with the ghost, Hamlet cries for his â€Å"prophetic soul†(I. v. ). Hamlet is also very focused when speaking and listening to Horatio. When Horatio tells Hamlet about the ghost of Hamlet's father, Hamlet asks Horatio to â€Å"let him hear†(I. ii. ). While sane, Hamlet's thoughts are clear and he is focused on the topic. When meeting his father's ghost, he pays full attention to it. When Hamlet speaks to Horatio about Hamlet's father's ghost, Hamlet listens and speaks with sanity. Hamlet also refers to his â€Å"prophetic soul†(I. v. ).Since Hamlet des cribes himself to have a â€Å"prophetic soul†(I. v. ), it shows that his mind is very clear, unlike the mind of the insane. Hamlet's short-term goal is to concentrate when necessary. When Hamlet is alone, his thoughts are very thorough. For example, Hamlet's â€Å"to be or not to be†(III. i. ) speech is very clearly thought out. Hamlet's thoughts are much more mature than those of the insane. Hamlet's second short-term goal is to philosophize. Through the return into sanity, Hamlet is able to accomplish both his short-term goals of concentration and philosophizing.However, due to the constant reversal between sanity and insanity, Hamlet's revenge is slowed down. Hamlet's mind becomes tangled due to constant changes in personality, between sanity and insanity. Early in the play, Hamlet says that he will put on an â€Å"antic disposition†(I. v. ). However, in the last scene of the play, Hamlet tells Horatio that â€Å"in my heart there was a kind of fightingà ¢â‚¬ (V. ii. ). At one point he says that he will fake insanity, while later, he says that there is fighting in his heart, which hints insanity. Due to this, Hamlet becomes indecisive. Hamlet's inability to act causes his revenge to be slowed.In the end, it is believed that Hamlet is very sane. His act of insanity is to mess with the others heads. He knows that Claudius has sent Rosencrantz and guildenstern to spy on him. He doesn’t want them to know that what he is planning is to unveil the truth, and that Claudius murdered King Hamlet. He does not want Claudius to know that he knows the truth. Hamlet switches between sanity and insanity to achieve his short-term goals. He uses insanity against enemies and sanity as a method of concentration. However, the constant switch of sanity and insanity brings him a slow revenge.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 7
Writer's choice - Essay Example In that light, the company offered two elite Dutchmen patrons over great tracks of land in the territory in return of attracting additional settlers to the colony, which finally led to a steady demand for labour force because of the various business that emerged. Thus, slavery in NY was no different from the South Colonies slavery even though the African slaves made substantial efforts resisting it, which proved futile due to strong resistance from the whites who considered slavery as a system of labor. However, the colony remained unattractive to the people back in Netherlands as they preferred to stay in their indigenous country rather than come to a new land that was quite unpredictable. That notwithstanding the settlers who managed to habit the colony was faced with myriad problems as they would come into conflict with the people and also the regulation policies set by the colony administrative were not favouring their business as they were imposed with exorbitant taxes which made their business hard to survive. Thus, they decided to close business and return home as the colony was proving hard to settle. Some years later the company of Dutch West India lessened their policies concerning conducting business and settling in the colony, this was a positive sign as European settlers began habiting the colony (Leslie, 2004, p. 14). New York City was mainly an industrial-based colony, since the settlers had set up their economic activities a steady demand for labour force emerged as a result of the various business that were running. The indentured servants were the main source of labour to the industries however with exploration of the new world the Dutch found an influx of African slaves in the Caribbean countries were they had a colony (Jones, 2009). This prompted them to adopt African slave at the expense of indentured slaves who were a bit more expensive to maintain. S Owing to the massive demand for slave that was looming in
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
BRAND LOYALTY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
BRAND LOYALTY - Essay Example lty has five advantages; 1-profit, 2-reduction of new customer aquistion costs, 3-word of mouth helps marketing, 4-customer willingness to pay higher prices, and 5-higher Brand Loyalty results in higher market shares. The importance of Brand Loyalty are the same as the advantages. Brand Loyalty reduces price sensitivity for the consumer. If a consumer trusts a Brand, they are willing to pay more for a product. Loyal consumers will also recommend Brands to other people saving marketing costs. Brand Loyalty increases profits, while providing competitive advantages toward successful brands. Brand Loyalty inspires trust in consumers, raises market shares, and increases profits for the company marketing the Brand. Brand Loyalty does not have a set measureablity. A few vairables to measure Brand Loyalty are brand preference and attitude toward the brand. Different Brand manufacturers use different measurements. The measurement of Brand Loyalty is important because managers must cope with the disloyalty among customers and predict Brand Loyalty. There are six strategic Branding decisions corporations must make; 1-Brand context, 2-Brand construction, 3-Brand confirmation, 4-Brand consistency, 5-Brand continuity, and 6-Brand conditioning. After establishing these six strategic Branding decisions, Long Term strategic advantages for building Brand Loyalty are 1-improvement on return of all investment made in the brand, 2-maximising Brand growth potential, and 3-protecting the brand against consumer â€Å"disloyalty†triggers. There are four â€Å"disloyalty†triggers; 1-peer recommendations to try different Brands, 2-new products, 3- perceived shift in price-value relationship of the Brand/competitive Brand, 4-strong competition advertising. Long term strategic disadvantages include a lack of understanding of what the Brand stands for, inadequate funding/research, and private label threats. Short Term Branding challenges are 1-senior managements short-term focus
Monday, October 7, 2019
Preliminary Analysis of Cost and Budgetary Information Systems Essay - 1
Preliminary Analysis of Cost and Budgetary Information Systems - Essay Example More than often, organizations ensure that an analysis of varied product cost and budgetary control methodologies and systems are carried out. This is because, the introduction of a suitable cost and budgetary information systems allows for effective planning for the future, controlling of present activities, and an evaluation of the past performance within an organization. Considerably, the choice of a suitable cost and budgetary information systems allows for planned action, coordination, and optimum use of resources as it defines responsibilities. †¢ Product costs include the cost estimates that are based on material, labor and machine process that influence decisions made by management. It is either based on activity-based costing or traditional based costing (Kaplan & Anderson, 2007). †¢ Activity-based costing is adopted from the conventional costing system and it assumes that activities act as fundamental cost objects because cause costs and cost objects are known to create demand for activities. †¢ Traditional based costing utilizes costs based on a single, volume-based cost driver, it assumes that product causes cost because; it assigns the overhead costs to products based on relative usage of direct labor. †¢ It is recommendable for the management of Worplestrop Partnership to adopt the activity-based costing control method because it ensures efficient maximization of profits as it allocates costs to key cost drives (Kaplan & Anderson, 2007). †¢ It is also decisive for the management to prepare budgetary control tools ranging from long-term to short-term, all functional budget estimates and both functional and flexible budget to control costs used in products (Weygandt, Kimmel & Kieso, 2009). More than often, the levels of decision-making are classified as operational, tactical and strategic levels. Nonetheless, decisions made at each level play an important role in product costing and budgetary control, as relevant information is transmitted in order to make an organization successful.Â
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Merging Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Merging Companies - Essay Example It lasted till 1929. 1940 saw the mergers due to tax relief. The next wave came in the wake of booming economy and rising stock prices and lasted as conglomerate merger from 1965 to 1969. The fourth merger wave was of mega merges from 1981 to 1989 due to expanding economy, technical developments and international competitions. The strategic restructuring wave lasted from 1992 to 2000. It was again due to the expanding economy, rising stock prices, technical developments and globalization. An understanding of the market structure and the consumer behavior along with the motives for merger, the issues involved, valuation matters, the human resource angle and other related subjects will dictate the correct path to mergers and acquisitions. Both mergers and acquisitions are synonymous, however they have different implications. An acquisition takes place when one company takes over another company and becomes the new owner. The target company does not exist thereafter. The buyer runs the business, whose stocks continue to be traded. In a merger, two firms often of the same size decide to become one single new company; it is a merger of equals. In a merger the stocks of both the companies are surrendered and a new company stock is issued. A purchase deal will also be called a merger. If a purchase is hostile and the target company does not want to be purchased, it becomes an acquisition. The various types of mergers are given below. Horizontal mergers. Vertical mergers. Conglomerate mergers. Reverse mergers. Accretive mergers. Dilutive mergers. Why Mergers Happen Mergers take place due to variety of reasons. However it is primarily the growth, which dictates further strategy. A company can grow internally, but it is a slow and ineffective method. A faster method is to merge or acquire. The decisions are taken with the object of maximizing the wealth of the firm's shareholders. The motives for mergers are as given below. Growth Synergy Diversification Eliminate competition. Economies of scale. Acquisition of new technology. Improved market reach and industry visibility. Cutting costs Reducing taxes. Empire building. Oligopolies. Monopoly. Valuation Matters A company aiming to take over a target company must determine the worth of the company being acquired. Both sides will have a different prospect of the worth of the company. Target company will value at higher price. Purchasing company will value at lower price. The following seven steps will help in evaluation. Step 1. Analyze historical performance. Step 2. Forecast performance. Step 3. Estimate the cost of capital. Step 4. Estimate the cost of equity financing. Step 5. Arbitrage pricing model. Step 6. Estimating the continuing value. Step 7. Calculating and interpreting results, calculating and testing results and interpretingthe results with in the decision context. Some of the methods that can be used to evaluate the company are as given below. Comparative Ratio. Price/Earning Ratio (P/E Ratio). Enterprise Value to Sales
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