Saturday, August 31, 2019
Audit Firm Culture
A company's culture has a large impact on the ethical behavior of employee's and an employee's ethical behavior plays an Important role In the quality of the audit. Now, there are several factors that affect the quality of an audit but the one that will be focused on In this paper Is the effect the audit firm culture has on the audit quality.Audit firm culture effects so many different things at a firm Including the kind of behavior that Is rewarded and determining how Important ethics are In the workplace. The audit firm culture has the largest Impact on the quality of an audit ND can either negatively or positively affect the audit outcome. Over the next few pages you will read and see Just why that Is. The kind of leadership that you have wealth a company sets the tone for the way the company holds Its standards.In a paper prepared for Ernst & Young it states that, â€Å"One fundamental driver of audit quality, agreed by all taking part in the discussion, was the need for the peo ple at the top of audit firm to set an appropriate tone and culture, to ensure that the work was carried out conscientiously, ethically, and in line with all appropriate standards and guidelines. Bender)†The management needs to be strong examples to their subordinates of how one should ethically behave and perform a quality audit. Management sets the tone and the employees will follow suit.If management does not reward or support positive ethical behavior then neither will the employees. An article called,†The Negative Affects of Corporate Culture,†(Mack) states that, â€Å"When managers are unethical, employees will emulate the bad behavior. †Employees look to management to show them how they should behave and they will copy what they see, even if it is negative or unethical. If they see managers cutting corners to get wings done faster or to save money, then employees will do the same which can cause the audit to be insufficient or poorly done.Managers should make sure they are always being strong examples of how everyone should behave, even when they think no one is looking, as they set the bar for how employees should behave. Another big building block in the positive firm culture is ethics training and enforcement. Teaching new employees during their nonbinding process the Importance of ethics within the workplace and teaching them about ethics will help to foster a trustworthy work environment. Even though most people know right from ring It Is Important to instill what Is ethically right as well.An article about ethics training In the workplace discusses how having a code of ethics typed out for employees to see helps them to see and understand what ethics are and how Important they are In the workplace. Also, showing them that there Is open honest communication and letting them know they can come to management with concerns will help employees feel empowered to work ethically (Lollipops). The article also states that, †Å"The expense of comprehensive ethics trailing carries the potential to more than pay for itself over the long term.Aside from potentially costly lawsuits, (Lollipops). †Teaching ethics will only enforce honesty and integrity, which will ultimately help teams to perform quality audits. Having strong ethics in your workplace can also allow employees to work with a clear conscience and be more productive, which makes for a better quality audit. An article that talks about how ethics makes you a better person in the workplace states that, â€Å"Ethical employees build trust in their workplace relationships†¦Gaining the trust of your co-workers can enhance your productivity by making it easier for you to communicate and work with there in the workplace (Ingram). †Having teammates who all trust one another due to strong ethics makes for a more cohesive team allowing them to work more productively together and helping them to create a quality audit. Another activity th at causes poor firm culture and effects audit quality is hyper competitiveness. In a firm people work together as a team to perform audits, they have to feel comfortable going to colleagues and upper management with questions.They need to feel supported by there team and feel the rewards of working as a team. If a company rewards a person's behavior to work towards their own personal goals to get ahead ether than contributing to the work of the entire team, employees may start cutting corners or doing things unethically to get ahead. As an article by Jarred Lewis states, â€Å"Fierce competition may also result in a â€Å"win at all costs†attitude that may even bring out the worst in some workers (Lewis). †This is not good for the quality of the audit.We want everyone on the team to be working together towards the same goal, a quality audit. That is the kind of behavior that should be rewarded. Encouraging competition within the audit workplace can also cause individ uals or teams to build rivalries against one another. Having any form of rivalry can cause the, â€Å"win at all costs†attitude but it can also cause people to start hating their Job or feeling stressed on the Job. When people are getting stressed at work or start disliking their job then usually their work will start suffering as well.According to an article called, â€Å"Stress Affects Work Performance of Nearly Half of Employees,†it states that, â€Å"It [stress] most often leads to difficulty concentrating, absenteeism and poor work quality (Apse, 2013). †Having employees that are working on an audit struggle to concentrating and are producing poor work is not in any way going to help with reforming a quality audit, it will do the opposite of that, it will hinder the audit. Poor discipline has another negative effect on audit firm culture, which also affects the quality of an audit.If employees are caught taking short cuts or cutting corners on audits and are not reprimanded or punished for it then it is only encouraging unethical behavior to continue. â€Å"If organizations did not have discipline and rules about the way their employees should behave, then quite simply they would be free to do anything they wanted and be able to get away with it – targets would not be et, work would not be completed, the workplace would be more like a zoo than a productive environment (Shipwright). It is important that employees not only understand corporate rules and ethics codes but that they are enforced as well and that those that break the codes are disciplined accordingly. If employees are not disciplined then it will only show employees that behaving unethically when performing an audit is k, which would then ruin the quality of the audit. Lack of open communication or employees feeling like they cannot go and talk to corporate culture and conducting a quality audit.According to Gaffing, featured in he Daily Reporter, he states that, â€Å"The rewards of honest communication in the workplace are not Just esoteric. Honesty can actually help reduce work-related stress (BROWN, 2005). †We already spoke about how beneficial unstressed employees are in the workplace but think about the amount of unethical situations that can be stopped when employees feel safe going to management and discussing such issues. Having open and honest communication in the workplace will help to stop unethical behavior in their tracks, which will also increase the quality of the audit.Arthur Anderson is a great example of how corporate culture can cause a firm to not reform quality audits, which also led to their demise. One of the problems with Arthur Andersen's culture was the, â€Å"Inability to question superior's practices and incapability to suggest new ways of doing things in all areas of the firm (mapped). †Just like we were talking about in the previous paragraph, the firm lacked open and honest communication allow ing unethical behavior to fester and flourish. This hindered the firm's ability to perform quality audits.They also lacked an ethically strong management to be an example to employees. â€Å"The root of the problem was top management figures who exemplified poor ethical practices (mapped). Clearly Arthur Anderson lacked a strong ethical and honest firm culture and it started at the top with its management. This enabled them from being able to perform quality audits, Enron was a shining example of how their audits were unsatisfactory, and most definitely lost the publics trust in them. Audit firm culture is very important in performing a quality audit.As small business chronicle states, â€Å"Companies with cultures valuing the highest standards create an atmosphere for workers to deliver products that meet those high standards (Cleaner). †When it comes to management, Ewing a good example, setting the appropriate tone, and ethical standards expected, is important. From ethic s training, to teaching the importance of ethics to employees, along with proper discipline, and open and honest communication, all of these things are important in creating a strong and positive corporate culture.
Friday, August 30, 2019
“Bartleby the Scrivener” by Herman Melville
This short story entitled â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†by Herman Melville gave as an idea about the several interesting characters with many poles apart personalities. But the one that was caught our attention was Bartleby. This man was a scrivener, which, in simple words, was a human description of a modern day copy machine. He did his job exceptionally well; he never stopped working, and got things done rapidly and proficiently. But, Bartleby was a man of one phrase: â€Å"I would not prefer to†. He said this as a reply to everything that was requested of him other than to copy documents.Well in fact, he absolutely refused what his boss asked him to do. This confused the reader about Bartleby. But, Melville, never seemed to present an answer to this mystery. Another thing that caught my attention was that he never said â€Å"I will not. †, but â€Å"I prefer not. †This implied us that the individual he was talking to has a choice as to what Bartleby wo uld or wouldn’t do, but in such a way, it was explained that he puzzled the narrator’s feelings, and for a long period of time, it caused him to accept the statement as a â€Å"no†.I concluded this as one of the weaknesses of the narrator as a business owner, but at the same time made me thought what was Bartleby’s reason for responding in such a way. I also found out very interesting about him was his living habits. He decided to stay at the office which he didn’t even bother to ask the permission of his boss (the narrator). He washed, slept, and worked in that place also. He refused (or stated that he would â€Å"prefer not†) to adjust his living arrangements.The narrator transferred his business because Bartleby didn’t want to vacate the place after the new occupant arrived. The narrator understood him but in the end Bartleby was put into prison because of him also. To cut the story short, Bartleby died at the prison. The narrator had an investigation and discovered that his last job caused him some mental affliction and psychological disturbance. In my own point of view, I think if the narrator learned about the real situation of Bartleby as early as possible, he would treat him with compassion and understanding.The reason of Bartleby by telling â€Å"I prefer not to,†â€Å"I prefer not to,†was to isolate his self among the rest and his lack of interest for involvement. The narrator explained in the passage below how he treated Bartleby, â€Å"I placed his desk close up to a small side window in that part of the room, a window which originally had afforded a lateral view of certain grimy backyards, and bricks, but which, owning to in subsequent erections, commanded at present, no view at all, though it gave some light.Within three feet of the panes was a wall, and the light came down from far above between two lofty buildings, as from a very small opening in a dome. Still further to satisfac tory arrangement, I procured a green folding screen, which might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though, not remove him from my voice. †The narrator, himself, had separated and secluded Bartleby from the real world. In my opinion, what the narrator did wasn’t able to help Bartleby overcome his trauma from his last work.It only added to the emotional problems that he hid from the start. He used to tell the word â€Å"I prefer not to†because he thought that he couldn’t do anything aside from his work and he didn’t even bother to mingle with other people because he considered himself unacceptable to whatever or whoever. For me, Bartleby didn’t want to isolate himself from other, in such a way that they couldn’t understand him, but the truth was the people that surrounded him, did the isolation.Because of that, he developed negative impressions toward himself and others. As I analyzed this short story, I came up with the judgmen t that isolation was risky. It can drive an individual to insanity, make him speechless, or even kill his own self. The lesson was not to allow your own self to be overcomed by prejudices and discrimination, and let yourself be isolated. â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†by Herman Melville This short story entitled â€Å"Bartleby the Scrivener†by Herman Melville gave as an idea about the several interesting characters with many poles apart personalities. But the one that was caught our attention was Bartleby. This man was a scrivener, which, in simple words, was a human description of a modern day copy machine. He did his job exceptionally well; he never stopped working, and got things done rapidly and proficiently. But, Bartleby was a man of one phrase: â€Å"I would not prefer to†. He said this as a reply to everything that was requested of him other than to copy documents.Well in fact, he absolutely refused what his boss asked him to do. This confused the reader about Bartleby. But, Melville, never seemed to present an answer to this mystery. Another thing that caught my attention was that he never said â€Å"I will not. †, but â€Å"I prefer not. †This implied us that the individual he was talking to has a choice as to what Bartleby wo uld or wouldn’t do, but in such a way, it was explained that he puzzled the narrator’s feelings, and for a long period of time, it caused him to accept the statement as a â€Å"no†.I concluded this as one of the weaknesses of the narrator as a business owner, but at the same time made me thought what was Bartleby’s reason for responding in such a way. I also found out very interesting about him was his living habits. He decided to stay at the office which he didn’t even bother to ask the permission of his boss (the narrator). He washed, slept, and worked in that place also. He refused (or stated that he would â€Å"prefer not†) to adjust his living arrangements.The narrator transferred his business because Bartleby didn’t want to vacate the place after the new occupant arrived. The narrator understood him but in the end Bartleby was put into prison because of him also. To cut the story short, Bartleby died at the prison. The narrator had an investigation and discovered that his last job caused him some mental affliction and psychological disturbance. In my own point of view, I think if the narrator learned about the real situation of Bartleby as early as possible, he would treat him with compassion and understanding.The reason of Bartleby by telling â€Å"I prefer not to,†â€Å"I prefer not to,†was to isolate his self among the rest and his lack of interest for involvement. The narrator explained in the passage below how he treated Bartleby, â€Å"I placed his desk close up to a small side window in that part of the room, a window which originally had afforded a lateral view of certain grimy backyards, and bricks, but which, owning to in subsequent erections, commanded at present, no view at all, though it gave some light.Within three feet of the panes was a wall, and the light came down from far above between two lofty buildings, as from a very small opening in a dome. Still further to satisfac tory arrangement, I procured a green folding screen, which might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though, not remove him from my voice. †The narrator, himself, had separated and secluded Bartleby from the real world. In my opinion, what the narrator did wasn’t able to help Bartleby overcome his trauma from his last work.It only added to the emotional problems that he hid from the start. He used to tell the word â€Å"I prefer not to†because he thought that he couldn’t do anything aside from his work and he didn’t even bother to mingle with other people because he considered himself unacceptable to whatever or whoever. For me, Bartleby didn’t want to isolate himself from other, in such a way that they couldn’t understand him, but the truth was the people that surrounded him, did the isolation.Because of that, he developed negative impressions toward himself and others. As I analyzed this short story, I came up with the judgmen t that isolation was risky. It can drive an individual to insanity, make him speechless, or even kill his own self. The lesson was not to allow your own self to be overcomed by prejudices and discrimination, and let yourself be isolated.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Anthology Poems
It is just filled with 5 poetic lines which we had to either do a free verse poem, poems without rhyming or patterns and that don‘t follow any rules, or a blank verse which is a poem that uses no rhyming but has iambic pentameters (patterns). Or you can do a rhyme verse which is a poem that uses rhyming. My poem is blank verse because even though I have no rhyming I have a pattern. You see I repeat the word â€Å"reason†a few times and it follow a pattern. Read ona The Room No matter how many times I tell him, He never cleans his room! On how dirty it is! His underwear is under the ____ Bed. His papers are on the __f_lo__o_r__. Last weeks sandwich is a M O L D Y Mess! Theirs something called â€Å"Clean up your room! †I say to him everyday! At last I punished him with a ban on T. V. That’s when the stink went away. Description This poem is a poem with a speaker. A speaker poem is a person that is talking in the poem. Sometimes the speaker can be the author itself talking in the poem. Other times it is a made up character. In this case, you can figure out that the speaker is the kids mother because she â€Å"banned him with no T. V. †until his room is cleaned up. (Now mothers will do that, just ask my mother. ) Read ona My Cat My cat is dumb! Let me tell you that! He’s the opposite of what a cat Should be! He hates mice, But loves dogs. He doesn’t like milk, But prefers meat. Now tell me, Is that how a cat should be? Description This poem by yours truly is a irony poem. Ever heard of that word? Irony in poetic terms means when a result of something is the complete opposite of what you would expect. For example, in my poem you wouldn’t expect a cat to be friends with dogs. I mean dogs and cats hate each other. Well at least that’s what we would expect. And for a cat to not like milk! Unbelievable, right? (Yea I know, I have a dumb cat. But it is ironic that my cat behaves the opposite of what cats should behave like. That is why this poem is a irony poem. Read ona I Love You Do you remember? All the fun times we had. Oh how you would laugh at my jokes. Oh I’d do anything To hear your lovely voice. Your voice makes me smile Even when I’m mad. So I wrote this poem, To tell you, That I love you! Description This poem is a theme poem. Yes you heard right. Theme. Theme is the main idea in a poem or the authors feelings/thoughts. In this poem the theme is love. This is easy to figure out because the poem just says right there that the person loves another person. Some times these poems can be in a shape. Like my poem is shaped kind of like a heart and the theme of it is love. Isn’t it sweet? Read ona Just A Kiss Silence walks upon the stone halls. As you sleep for a hundred years. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Visited you every year. Hoping to find you up and about. But just as they feared, Everything is weird- Sleeping Beauty has just premiered. But not before your sleep is evoked, Before you stands Charming himself. Thus, a kiss on the lips, Was all that was needed, To arouse you from your ancient sleep. Description This is another poem by me that is an allusion poem. Allusion in poetry terms means when a poem makes a reference to another poem. For example in my poem Just A Kiss the allusion is Sleeping Beauty sleeping for a hundred years until Prince Charming came to wake her from her deep sleep. I am alluding the story of Sleeping Beauty to my poem. Read ona I Wish I wish to drift into the darkness. Into the shadows of death. Slowly my grip loosens. I am trapped in an avalanche. This pain-its too much! I’m like snow trapped in the suns rays. Slowly and silently, I’ll rise, From this nightmare. Description This poem is a chance poem. Nothing big but we just had to pick 5 words from this list and use those words to make a poem. Read ona Moment Of Freedom The monsters in my head, They tell me I’m crazy. Maybe I am. These monsters, they yell and scream, Until I let them out. But they come back, they always do. These monsters they bring me crimson delight. Fresh crimson pleasure, trickling down my arm As the blade digs deeper, I find a moment of freedom. A moment where everything stops. Everything is peaceful. Everything is fine. But soon the monsters will come back. Then, no longer will I feel the pain. No longer will I feel crimson joy. Everything will be back to normal, With the monsters screaming, Until I let them out again. Description This poem is a poem with figurative language poem. Figurative language is a term in poetry when you compare two unlike things to make something clear. For example if I say the soap bubbles in the bath tub are like clouds in the sky, I am comparing the soap bubbles to the clouds, but the soap bubbles aren’t really clouds, right? In this poem I am comparing the suicide thoughts of the speaker to monsters. Read ona Nothing But The Best You’re my summer sun, And I’m your winter wind. No matter what mistakes I make, All the times I’ve yelled at you, You’re always there. Even when I’m fierce like the winter wind; Howling all the time, My nerves are calmed by your sunshine smile. You’re a treasure chest, Full of priceless gems. To me you’re nothing but the best. Description This poem is a poem of assonance/alliteration. Assonance is when you use repetition of the sound of a vowel. I don’t think I have tat but I do have alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of 2 or more words that end with the same sound or start with the same letter. For example in the poem I said â€Å"winter wind†both words have a â€Å"w†in the beginning. I also used â€Å"sunshine smile†which has a â€Å"s†in the beginning of each word. This is how my poem uses assonance/alliteration. Read ona The Monster Mama always said she loved me. But then why do I cry every time she came home? Why do I hide under the bed, Praying she didn’t come looking for me? Before daddy left, She told me I was her sweet little angel. So why does she tell me that she hates me? Why is it the she says I’m a nuisance? What did I do, To get black and blue, Bruises all over my body. Mama always told me, That the monster always haunts kids, Who lie and cheat and hit people. Then why did she lie to me when she told me, That daddy ran away, When she kicked him out of the house? And why did she cheat on daddy before he Went to another place? And why does she hit me with her whiskey bottle? Why does she love to see me cry When the glass cuts my skin? Mama knew what she did to me, But what she didn’t know was that the monster was, The only one that said it loved me. Description This poem is a poem on symbolism. Symbolism is the idea or topic of the poem. For example, the night is a symbol of death. Or in the poem I made the monster symbolizes the thoughts one would have after abuse. Read ona The End My past is finished, It’s all filled with pain. My past is killing me, ‘Cause I’m trapped in this lane. My mind is at war with me, I can’t control the thoughts deep inside me. I’m bent out of shape with all this pain, I think it’s time I’ve played life’s game. Before it’s time I ask myself, ‘Is this the end? Will there ever be a tomorrow? ’ Almost turning away, I turn right back, I decide there is nothing more for me, Only the end can set me†¦ Free†¦ Description This last poem is a free verse poem. Like I explained in the other poem called â€Å"Reason†I said that free verse poems are poems without rhyming or patterns and that don‘t follow any rules. And just like in this poem I did not follow any patterns. aSTOP? *NO MORE POEMS*
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Musical Theatre Repertoire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Musical Theatre Repertoire - Assignment Example The song itself is great for my musical repertoire as it functions within my baritenor range and its expressive qualities are greatly linked to my internal emotional makeup. The song combines somber recognition of the environment with melodramatic and bombastic theatricality. The next song examined is ‘What is it About Her?’ from the musical Wild Party (2000). Andrew Lippa composed this song and musical. Lippa is an American composer and producer who was originally born in Leeds, England. He graduated from the University of Michigan and later moved to New York. In addition to the Wild Party, his writing credits include contributions to You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown (2000), as well as The Addams Family (2010). Similar to the previous track, ‘What is it About Her?’ functions within my vocal range and matches my artistic impulses. The song is accompanied by minimalist musicality that is punctured by emotional vocals. In these regards, the vocalist assumes the center of attention to a much greater degree than in traditional Broadway compositions, and greatly highlights the lead male. The third song examined is ‘What Do I Need with Love?’. This song was from the musical film Thoroughly Modern Millie (2002) and was composed by Michael Rafter. In addition to this song, Rafter worked on 2005’s Sweet Charity, and 2010’s Everyday Rapture. In addition to functioning within my vocal range, this track explores emotional qualities that juxtapose it with the somber realism of the previous tracks. Instead this song has a degree of melody, as well as a self-reflexive irony. In these regards, it makes a great addition to the repertoire as it demonstrates considerable emotional range and lightheartedness. Still, the heavy reliance on the vocals greatly highlights the male lead. The final song examined is ‘It Only Takes a Moment’ from Hello Dolly (1964). This song was composed by American Broadway writer Jerry
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Email Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving Assignment
Email Regarding Cell Phone Use While Driving - Assignment Example Nowadays, it is seen that many traffic accidents are there because of usage of cell phones while driving. We should not ignore this crucial disadvantage of cell phone usage while driving. In accordance to the laws made for cell phone usage in Texas as described by Governors Highway Safety Association (2009), the novice drivers who do not have a six months experience are forbidden to use cell phones for calling and text messaging while driving. In addition, the drivers who are travelling with passengers equal to seventeen or more than seventeen are also restricted not to use cell phones (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 2009). In the light of described laws, the drivers should use company provided cell phones but they should be experienced in driving. In addition, they are required to park their vehicles for using cell phones. They are not allowed to use cell phones while driving. There is no exception for drivers driving inside Texas and outside Texas. The sales representatives will adhere to the company policy of using cell phones that is to park their vehicle and then attend to any call or text message. By this way, neither the business nor the employees will be affected
Monday, August 26, 2019
Law - Mock Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law - Mock Final Exam - Assignment Example Mouza called the developer and complained and argued very loudly that the floor tiles in every room were the wrong color and there were no doors in the bedrooms. She got so stressed with everything as she walked through the villa that she slipped on a wet floor, fainted, and broke her wrist and her new iphone 4S as she fell to the floor. _____The civil Court has the jurisdiction to handle the case as it involves a commercial dispute between Mouza and RUCON which the company that handled the construction. There is also a breach of contract in the case as the contractor failed to carry out the work as required in the contrtact.____________________________________________________________________ ___The appeal will be heard in the Court of Appeal within a period of 30 days from the day of judgment. This is because the Court of Appeal has the powers to handle and appeal emanating from the Civil Court. _____RUCON will be referred to as the appellant as the company will have filed the appeal. Mouza will be referred to as the appellee in the case. _____________________________________________________________________ _____In Abu Dhabi, the Federal Supreme Court of Appeal is responsible for making the final judgment regarding the cases that emanates from the other courts. _____________________________________________________________________ _____If RUCON LLC was based in Dubai, the final decision would have been made by the Court of Cassation. The Court of Cassation is the highest Court in Dubai. _____________________________________________________________________ __The first legal action in the case involves the breach of contract by the company. According to Article 131, RUCON had accepted the contract by entering into an agreement with Mouza to construct the house. On the other hand, it is also important to note that the RUCON promised to complete the work within the completion date as and as required by
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Health risk and benfits of energy drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health risk and benfits of energy drinks - Essay Example As such, it could be suggested that consumption of energy drinks has increased. The statistics are threatening given the fact that energy drinks have numerous risks that outweigh the benefits of the products as the discussion below portrays. Energy drinks have a number of advantages that manufacturers and marketers continue to sell in order to grow their markets. The main advantage arises from the product’s name and primary purpose. Energy drinks enhance the performance of the body. The drinks have high levels of caffeine and sugar. The sugar exists in the form of fructose and glucose that dissolves rapidly into the blood stream thereby providing a spontaneous boost in the performance of the body. Such impulsive boost in the performance of the body is always desirable especially in cases where the body shows signs of strain that affect the performance. Athletes for example may suffer from acute exhaustion and would require the rejuvenation of their energy levels. An increasing number of young people also continue to use energy drinks given their desire to have full functionality during most hours of the day (Burrows, Pursey & Neve, 2005). The use of energy drinks to revamp the performance of the body requires adequate education in order to possess the basic knowledge on the ingestion of fructose and glucose in the energy drinks. People must consume an adequate quantity of solid foods as well in order to complement the caffeine and sugar in the energy drinks. This way, the body benefits from numerous other nutrients from the solid foods that make it easy for the body sustain the demands of the energy drinks. Most people use energy drinks without eating adequate quantities of other solid foods, such imbalances have varied effects since the body lacks the mass and protein to enhance the increased performance of the body (Reissig, Strain & Griffiths, 2009). Among the
Phoenix Mine Field Trip Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Phoenix Mine Field Trip Report - Essay Example Our tour guide was great fun as he took us into the mine, which was quite dark except for the light he carried, and showed us around the mine and briefed us about its history. In fact, we did get to see a good amount of gold, gems and other precious metals along the walls of the cave which were jagged ridges. It was awesome seeing gold in the rock. The cave was so enormous and awe inspiring and many in the group asked a lot of questions to our tour guide who patiently answered us The Phoenix Mine looked like something out of a story book because it was so breathtaking in appearance. The mountains had a backdrop of tall trees and other flora and fauna that was so captivating. The ground squirrels and chipmunks were an added attraction and it was fun trying to feed them. Besides the picnic table, gold panning was another attraction where people could sit for hours together down stream and see if they get lucky finding some of the gold and gems that could flow down with the water from the mountains. It was a very rare experience and we took a lot of beautiful pictures, so we can always remember the fun- filled yet knowledgeable Field Trip that was arranged for us. My friends and I really enjoyed ourselves at the Phoenix Mine and we hope to come back and visit it once again, some time in the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Moral Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Moral Philosophy - Essay Example In history, one can view applied ethics through the decisions of governments as they were influenced due to the religious mores of their time. On a more general level, which deals with historyâ€â€the Ottoman Empire, which used to span the globeâ€â€effected the territories it owned with its prevailing religion. Constantinople, at the end of his life, professed the Christian faith. However, the name of the city Constantinople was later changed to Istanbul after the geopolitically-defined, mainly Muslim, country of Turkey came into prominence. Applied ethics can be seen all over the world, not to mention a lack of application of ethics in world history. For example, when Hernan Cortes and his men came to Mexico, the land of the Aztecsâ€â€to hoard gold and other valuablesâ€â€the Aztecs thought this was fulfilling a prophecy that their great leader would come from far away. Instead of admitting that Cortes was not the leader he was who they thought, Cortes took advantage o f the fact that the Aztecs thought he was a holy figure, and consequentially took the wealth of the Aztecs, his men raping their women and killing a lot of people, including roasting the Aztec leader Cuauhtemoc over a fire pit and pouring boiling oil over his feet. The point is, types of domination like this went on all over the world. Christopher Columbus never indeed â€Å"found†the New World, but he found plenty of island natives in the Caribbean whose peaceful lives he ruined by the ruthless plundering of himself and his men. There is evidence of all of these types of cruel inhumanity present in all of historyâ€â€and it is not just limited to the Europeans, although they were a major cause for discontent the world over. If one thinks about it, in world historyâ€â€the British Empire once spanned a majority of the globe. The French and the Dutch also had colonialized several countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Due to these white peoples taking over indigen ous nations’ peoples and forcing their values, religion, language, and culture upon themâ€â€they were forced to either change or die. So, these people adapted. More about evolution and ethics will also be discussed in the last section of this piece. III. MoralityMorality became politically-correct (or ‘PC') after the civil rights movement in the ‘60s in the United States, because it meant that any kind of oppressed people (not just Blacks) could basically rise up and say that they weren't going to take being discriminated against anymore. Of course, this has led to postmodernist thinking, that everyone is equal and everyone's perspective has to be right because no one is wrong; we all worship the same God even though some of us may not call God God, nor does everyone
Friday, August 23, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Finance - Essay Example domestic country Australia and foreign country Namibia1. The company influences corporate social responsibilities in the form of its responsibilities to the shareholders, employees and the broader community involved in this business. The board, management and employees of this organization are responsible for the corporate responsibilities to the share holders and social responsibilities to the community on behalf of the company. Responsibility to environmental: Metals ensure all the internal as well as external stake holders of the company that the company highly cares for the environment involved in all properties of the company. According to the company’s disclosure in its Annual report 2011, there are no environmental issues for which the company is responsible. Responsibility to the community: Metals recognize and consider the environment for each of its operation and legally respect the involved environment, culture heritage and native title issues which arise by the company’s activities. Responsibility to individual: The Company respect the rights of any individual related to its business and follow the law regarding privacy and confidential information2. The company discloses its corporate social responsibilities qualitatively that means it does not have any specific activities for its all society, environment and its internal stakeholders apart from the general legislative responsibilities which it have to do for performing ethical business practice. Disclosures of CSR include financial and non financial information of the company for its different kind of stakeholders who are involved into this business. The extent of disclosure is very detail and transparent of the same and also have not changed since GFC 2008. But the company’s performance has changed remarkably after GFC in terms of revenue growth and net worth of the company3. Metals Australia Ltd does not perform any particular CSR
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Compare, Contrast, and Evaluate Plato and Aristotle on human Well-being Essay Example for Free
Compare, Contrast, and Evaluate Plato and Aristotle on human Well-being Essay Platos ethics concerning well-being arise from the end of the discussion on justice where Thrasymachus articulates that justice is in fact merely a social contract whereby people agree not to inflict harm on others in return for not being harmed. Out of this rises the question well if this is all justice is, if it is only desirable for its consequences, In this case the avoidance of harm, then why shouldnt I cheat? If I can get away with it why wouldnt one cheat? Now follows the Gyges story, Glaucon puts it to Plato that if two men, one whom leads a life of virtue and one who doesnt, acquired a ring that could turn you invisible, even the virtuous man would not be able to resist acting immorally so therefore people are not actually virtuous, more just scared of the consequences of not being so. This is making the point that no man is so virtuous that he could resist the temptation of being able to steal at will by the rings power of invisibility. In modern terms, Glaucon still argues that morality is a social construction, whose source is the desire to up hold ones reputation for virtue and honesty; when that sanction is removed, the moral character would evaporate. However Plato disagrees, he thinks the truly virtuous man would act morally and be happy and at peace with himself, even when the outcome may not be seen as in their best interests e.g. loss of reputation; when sentenced to death Socrates had the chance to escape and go and live in another place but he refused to because it would be wrong to obey the laws of the land only when they suited you, so he stayed and was killed. For Plato this is not only the right thing to do but he would go as far to say that he would be happier dying virtuous than living having broken the law. Although I think this should not be taken as he enjoyed his actual death rather there was a certain content dignified air about it, as through living a virtuous life he had reached eudemonia because for Plato virtue is sufficient for human well being. Then to illustrate the extreme of what Plato is saying a second ring is added, and it is put to Plato that if both men had a ring, one just and one unjust, and the unjust man carries out his unjust activities but is clever enough to disguise it and up holds his reputation for being a moral citizen so therefore gets away un punished however conversely the just man whom has been virtuous in all his actions is misunderstood and crucified for being unjust and his reputation soiled. Is Plato saying even in this case it is still better to be the just man? Plato explicitly maintains that yes it is, and uses this example to show that if it is the most beneficial and right thing to do in this situation then I must follow that it is the most beneficial and right thing to do in all situations. But why is it the most beneficial? Why should people be just, Plato believes that it is down to the tri-partite nature of the soul; if things are not in the right balance then it becomes a matter of damaging your mental health. Plato believes that justice is gratifying in itself not merely because of its consequences. The purpose of human life is to live virtuously. The end that all virtuous beings should aim at; to be in union with the form of the good, this is the way of achieving the highest form of human well-being. In order to live virtuously one must have justice in the soul. Justice in the soul can only be present when the tripartite elements are in accurate harmony; when reason is ruling over spirit and spirit is controlling desires or appetites; wisdom can be seen to represent the rational part of the soul and courage parallels the spirited part of the soul with discipline existing in controlling desires. When the soul is in balance only then can virtue be exercised and human well-being achieved. Plato states that it is impossible for one to be happy if justice is not present in the soul and put forward this argument to illustrate why the unjust mans life leads to misery. Plato believes that the tyrant is the most unhappy of people because he is in a position of slavery and has no real freedom, he is ruled and governed by passion and surrounded by enemies. Due to being dominated by passion his main aim is to seek pleasure. Plato argues that each of the three parts of the soul corresponds to a different type of pleasure Rational- Gains pleasure in seeking the truth. Spirited- Gains pleasure out of achievement and honour. Appetitive- Gains pleasure through the empirical senses, e.g. sex/drink/food. The tyrant thinks that his pleasure is the best type, this can also be said for the oligarch and the philosopher, however Plato claims that only the philosophers assertion can be the real truth for he has experienced all types of pleasure and is therefore in the best position to decide. when the whole mind accepts the leadership of the philosophical part, and there is no internal conflict, then each part can do its job and be moral in everything it does, and in particular it can enjoy its own pleasures and thus reaps as much benefit from pleasure as is possible (586) But if the mind is controlled by either the spirited or appetitive elements it is not possible for it to attain its own correct pleasure and begins to coerces the other two elements to engage in false happiness, so far as that appetitive desires are farthest removed from reason and therefore law and order, and the tyrant is then farthest removed from mans true and proper pleasure so therefore cannot achieve well being and leads to the most of unhappy lives. So because justice is now desirable in itself and for its consequences its not a case of why should I do it, for Plato you act justly for its own sake. So how would the just man know what actions are virtuous and which are not; This is where the theory of the forms can be introduced, according to Plato we live in a world of appearances of which we cognise through perception, appearances are temporary, changing, fallible and subject to doubt. Although Plato also believed that there is an infallible, eternal, unchanging realm; the realm of the forms. The forms are independent of the mind metaphysical entities as real as anything we cognise through are empirical senses. So in order for one to posses any true knowledge then one must have access to the forms. In order to know what courage is one must know the form of courage so that when deciding if a particular act is courageous you can compare the form with the act and see if they have anything in common. Upon gathering this information you are now and only after consulting the form, in a position to obtain an objectively correct answer. Does this mean that those whom dont have access to the forms of the virtues cannot be virtuous and in turn not achieve well-being? So in summary one must have the soul in the correct balance; this is the necessary and sufficient clause for well being and why is this the case because of the tri-partite nature of the soul. Aristotles ethics are very similar to that of Platos, sharing distinct similarities but also some differences. For Aristotle human-well being can also be translated as Eudemonia (flourishing). In book one Aristotle states that that every art, every investigation and similarly every action and pursuit is aimed at some good and that happiness is an activity of the soul according to virtue. As an early virtue theorist Aristotle believes a person should be judged on their character and not their actions. According to Aristotle virtue is something learned through constant practice beginning at a young age. To further understand this we should fully translate arà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½te-this is the word translated into virtue in most English translations however the word more generally translates into excellence, so for example a musician will exhibit arà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½te in performing without any moral connotations. It logically follows that excellence in music cannot be reached simply by reading about it, it requires systematic practice and practical implementation. For Aristotle there is not necessarily an essential distinction between being virtuous and exercising a learned skill like playing an instrument, he believes that virtue is also a learned excellence (the highest learned excellence). So to be virtuous one must practice at it; human well being for Aristotle involves living well and exercising virtue is a necessary condition of this. Aristotelian virtue ethics are more specific than Platos, he talks of virtue in a more systematic sense. This is highlighted by the doctrine of the mean; his theory that virtue exists between the vicious extremes of excess and deficiency. For example the virtuous mean of courage lies between the vices of recklessness and cowardice, which represent excess and deficiency respectively. In order to achieve well being one must attempt to find the golden mean of all the virtues in the 36 name table, however Aristotle does clearly remind us that there are no exact laws in political sciences rather we need to approach each case individually informed by calculated virtues and some practical wisdom. Virtue for Aristotle is A posteriori; learning through experience, what is the mean path relative to us? Like Plato, for Aristotle we cannot pick and choose our virtues, we cannot decide to display courage and patience but not truthfulness and modesty, nor can people be virtuous if they do not demonstrate all the virtues. One of the most crucial points Aristotle makes is that although virtue is necessary for well-being it is in fact not sufficient. In order to be truly happy one must have three things. 1. A good character. 2. One must be active in living virtuously 3. One must have external goods. Happiness according to Aristotle is a public not a private affair, so whom you share this happiness with is of great importance. The city-states of ancient Greece were tightly knit communities. In politics Aristotle says we cannot fully realize our potential as humans outside the bonds of a Greek city-state so therefore well being cannot be achieved in the life of a hermit. This is not the only external good that is required, Aristotle also believes that in order to achieve well-being wealth is required, although I feel it should be made clear that he is not saying one needs to be rich to happy, rather that there needs to be a absence of extreme poverty; the view that it is hard to be happy when starving. This is in direct contradiction with Platos teachings and is blatantly outlined in the story of the ring of Gyges. Another fundamental difference between Aristotle and Platos teachings on well being is that the whole of Platos metaphysics is underpinned by the forms. To be fully virtuous one must have access to the forms but Aristotle completely rejects the forms as having no tangible foundation for believing them. Aristotle thinks that the problem solved by the forms can in fact be answered empirically; he presents us with the function argument: this explains that the function of a harpist is to play the harp well. A human also just like the eye has a set purpose or function and the function of a good man is to live well or achieve well-being. But Plato believes that people who reject the forms for empirical verification are sophist whose beliefs have no basis. It seems that both Aristotle and Plato believe that in order for humans to achieve well being they must fulfil their function, so in order to identify the real difference of their views on well being we must understand their views on what our function is. Platos view on this is outlined in Book One of The Republic; Socrates is trying to prove to Thrasymachus that it is better to be just than unjust. He starts by determining that all things have their own definite function, and that that function is that which one can do only with it or best with it (Republic I 352e). For example, the function of eyes is to see, and since a pruning knife is better suited to pruning than a butchers knife, its function is to prune. Having established this, Socrates goes on to argue that everything also has a measured virtue that corresponds to the implementation of its function. The virtues of our ears are hearing and the virtue of the knife would be its sharpness. An object that is deficient in its virtue is said to be incapable of performing its function well (a dull knife would not be able to cut properly). Having demonstrated this, Socrates now looks at the human soul and its function. Is there some function of a soul that you couldnt perform with anything else, for example, taking care of things, ruling, deliberating? Is there anything other than a soul to which you could rightly assign these, and say that they are its peculiar function? What of living? Isnt that a function of the soul? (Republic I 353d) Thrasymachus agrees to Socrates definition of the souls function and they go on to examine what the virtue of the soul is, that allows it to perform its function. From his previous argument regarding the importance of virtue in the performance of ones function, Socrates infers that a non-virtuous soul would do a poor job of ruling etc, while a virtuous soul would do a good job. Then going back to where he and Thrasymachus had agreed that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This enables Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a just man will achieve human well being and flourish, while an unjust man will not achieve well being and be unhappy. Aristotle agrees with Plato that the good for anything that has a function relies on the implementing of that function. So it follows that Aristotle tries to work out if human beings have a function (the function argument). Then do the carpenter and the leatherworker have their functions and actions, while a human being has none, and is by nature idle, without any function? Or, just as eye, hand, foot and, in general, every part apparently has its functions, may we likewise ascribe to a human being some function besides all theirs? (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 29-33). So assuming that there is a function specific to humans Aristotle discounts sense perceptions because they are not only human traits. He concludes that the human function is to exhibit reason. The function of the excellent man to equal the function of any man the only difference is that the excellent man exhibits his function well. So For Aristotle, the human good seems to be synonymous with human well being. Th us, in order for a human being to be happy, he or she must live a life that successfully expresses reason. Here we see that both agree that to achieve well being, humans must fulfil their function but do they disagree on what that function is? Plato believing that it is living a just life and Aristotle that it is excellent reasoning, I think not, isnt being virtuous having reason ruling over the soul, surely this is the same as exhibiting excellent reason.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Developing a Database Management System Presentation
Developing a Database Management System Presentation I am Estelle Lemmer and would like to provide you with a business presentation outlining the process Klingon Systems has followed in developing a Database Management System for The Borg Collective. This presentation will explain what a Database Management System is, what a Relational Database is and why this is the best option for The Borg Collective. While explaining what queries, forms and reports are, it would be explained how these were applied and developed in creating the Database Management System as well as pointing out the benefits using these will hold for The Borg Collective. A Database management system (DBMS) is a computer program specifically developed to store and manage data. The database can be queried to provide specific data required and can produce forms and reports relational to that data (Baltzan, Lynch Fisher 2016). Specifically for the Borg Collective, we have developed a database management system to store all your information on customers, stock items, suppliers and orders. You would be able to run specific queries on your data to view only the needed information. You would also be able to produce invoices for each customer. When creating a relational database, information from different tables can be connected to each other. In a relational database you can have one record from one table connected to many records in another table. As seen on the slide, each of The Borg Collectives information tables has been linked by using primary keys (yellow key symbol) identified in each table (Beskeen et al. 2014). There are several reason for using a Database Management System: Easy update of information: It has been decided that a Database Management System is the appropriate tool for this project and I will outline the reasons why: In looking at the data of The Borg Collective it is obvious that it is too complex to only get handled in a spreadsheet. The Borg Collective has data for Customers, Suppliers, Items and Orders. A Spreadsheet is adequate for one of these lists of information as an isolated list, however The Borg Collective has several lists, with some of the data repeating and relationships between data in different columns between different lists. Having to make changes to data in different lists leaves room for error. When you use a database management system, data can be stored in one place, while being referenced in many different places as would be described later when discussing the different queries, forms and reports we have created for your business. Using a Database Management System, if a customers details changes it only needs to be done once and would automatically update in for instance, the customers invoice, which references it (Manning 2015). Flexibility: Different users can access data in whichever way suits them. Be it a report or a form etc. Information can be queried from the database and looked at using any number of logical views or if they so prefer the physical view can be used right where the data is stored. Scalability: The Borg Collective is only going to grow and a Database would be the only system able to adequately manage a large volume of information. Redundancy: By using a Database Management System, information only needs to be recorded in one place, reducing information redundancy and increasing information reliability. Information integrity: By using combo boxes, the DBMS has been developed to restrict the types and format of data that could be entered and therefor contributing to the integrity of the data (Baltzan, Lynch Fisher 2016). There are several reasons for using a Relational Database: Minimize Duplicate Data: Having to make changes to data in different lists leaves room for error. Using a relational database, data can be updated once across multiple tables. Because we have set this up as a relational database, when for example one supplier ceases trading and gets deleted from one table, corresponding deletions will be prompted and occur in other tables, avoiding data inconsistencies. You wouldve probably found that lots of time is spent entering the same data into different spreadsheets. Using a relational database would considerably cut down on the amount of data entry and therefor also reduce room for error (Manning 2015). Faster data entry: Setting up a relational database we were able to provide you with forms which makes data entry faster and easier than using a spreadsheet Options for viewing and sorting: Using a relational database, you can view the data by querying it out into forms or reports, which can be saved to use over and over. Security: If you should choose to, this database can be encrypted and password protected. Several users: As your business grows, you might want to be able to have more than one user working in the database. This would be possible using the Relational Database Klingon has set-up for The Borg Collective (Beskeen et al. 2014). A database query is a way to get particular information out into a logical view. This way you would not need to scroll through long lists of data in different columns and different tables. The query gets only the required information out and displays it for your convenience in a new table (Beskeen et al. 2014). Five queries have been created for The Borg Collective. These queries can be run to display the information required as follows. The query labelled Vinyl figures will display the Customers names and item details of only items ordered in the month of April, weighing less than 1 Kg and which is still unfulfilled. The query would also show the order quantity. This query has been set-up so that you can see how many Star Trek Vinyl Figures orders were ordered for Mothers Day but were unfulfilled due to the items being out of stock. The query labelled Broad Category could be used to see how many customers living in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia, have purchased items belonging to a broad category from a specific Supplier. When running this query, a Supplier name will need to be entered, after which the following information would be displayed in a table: The Customers names, addresses, Item type, item description, dispatch Date and order quantity for all items belonging to a broad category and only for Customers living in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. The query labelled Cost Increase has been created to update the cost Price from Luxembourgh of all items that are currently on order and not in stock by 5.50% as a new Australian import duty has been added for all products being imported from the European Union The query labelled Late Dispatched have been created to be used when requiring a form to see the Queensland customers who have ordered items before the 1st of June, which is in stock, but was dispatched after 10 June. The query could also show information for customers from New South Wales whose orders are in stock and have been dispatched after 20 June but was ordered before the 10th of June. The query labelled Invoice Calculated can be used to see the details of customers living in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, whos ordered a product associated with The Big Bang Theory in May. As this query would be used to produce invoices, it has also been created to calculate the selling price and order totals. Vinyl figures will display the Customers names and item details of only iKlingon has created two forms which you could use. A database form can be filled out on-screen and is an easy way to enter and edit data and navigate between records (Beskeen et al. 2014). The Late Orders Form will display order details stored in the Database Management System. It would also display the customers age in whole years and show a calculated dispatch delay in whole days. The Supplier Items Form will allow you to view the supplier records individually. It also has a sub-form for viewing item details of items sold by that Supplier. A report is the best way to print data from your database. It provides many formatting, layout and summary options. It is possible to apply different fonts and colours and add images (Beskeen et al. 2014). Klingon has used this option to create your invoices, which displays The Borg Collectives logo as well as payment details, current date, order details and order total. This presentation has outlined the process which was taken to develop a Database Management System for the Borg Collective. Detailed explanations have been given on what a Database Management System is, what a Relational Database is and specifically why this was the best option for The Borg Collective. Queries, Forms and Reports have been defined as well as described why they were developed for The Borg Collective and what their purposes and benefits will be in the business. It is the sincere hope of myself, representing Klingon Systems, that the Database created would be of great benefit to The Borg Collective and that it would streamline processes, while aiding your business processes to run more efficiently. tems ordered in the month of April, weighing less than 1 Kg and which is still unfulfilled. The query would also show the order quantity. This query has been set-up so that you can see how many Star Trek Vinyl Figures orders were ordered for Mothers Day but were unfulfilled due to the items being out of stock. The query labelled Broad Category could be used to see how many customers living in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia, have purchased items belonging to a broad category from a specific Supplier. When running this query, a Supplier name will need to be entered, after which the following information would be displayed in a table: The Customers names, addresses, Item type, item description, dispatch Date and order quantity for all items belonging to a broad category and only for Customers living in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. The query labelled Cost Increase has been created to update the cost Price from Luxembourgh of all items that are currently on order and not in stock by 5.50% as a new Australian import duty has been added for all products being imported from the European Union The query labelled Late Dispatched have been created to be used when requiring a form to see the Queensland customers who have ordered items before the 1st of June, which is in stock, but was dispatched after 10 June. The query could also show information for customers from New South Wales whose orders are in stock and have been dispatched after 20 June but was ordered before the 10th of June. The query labelled Invoice Calculated can be used to see the details of customers living in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria, whos ordered a product associated with The Big Bang Theory in May. As this query would be used to produce invoices, it has also been created to calculate the selling price and order totals.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Relationship Marketing in the UK Retail Sector
Relationship Marketing in the UK Retail Sector Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Overview Relationship marketing plays a significant role in the present market scenarios as it mainly illustrates the relationship among the customers and organizations. Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that evolved during 1970 and 1980s (Regis McKenna, 1991, p. 4). It mainly highlights the consumer satisfaction instead of focusing on sales transactions because these relationships will help the organizations in sustaining and supporting the technological edge of the company. According to Lisa A. Guion and Heather Kent (2005, p.1), Relationship marketing is the process of attracting, maintaining and enhancing relationships with key individuals over time. The marketer should act like an integrator where they must synthesize technological capability with the market needs and the marketer must be supposed to bring the customer into organizations. Customers mingle with the companies as participants for the adaptation and development of services and goods. So, the relationships are con sidered as the key point for the basis of customer choice and company adaption. Relationship marketing involves in using the one-on-one communication in earning the loyalty of customers (GUION, L. A., 2005). These relationships can be easily improved in the organizations if the marketing is part of everyones job description that is from receptionist to board of directors. This method integrates the customers in designing the products which in turn creates a substance in the relationship. Relationship marketing is the key point to be considered in the retail sector. Many of the countries have increased its growth due to retailing. Retailers interact with the final customer in a supply network, but they are both buyers and sellers of goods and services (Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock, 2002, p.3). Presently, there is a vast change in the retail industry and offers employment to more number of people. In these sector, retailer acts as a trader or dealer who sells the goods in small quantities. Retail sector will include various organizations related to different markets. Marketing in the retail sector can be improved only when there is a constant relationship between the customer and the organizations. Hence, it can be said that relationship marketing plays a vital role in marketing the goods in retail sectors. This marketing increase the growth of the retail sectors and further raises the market level of the country over the worldwide. In this thesis, the further sections include Literature review, Research methodology, Findings and Analysis, and Conclusions. In the Literature Review section it briefly describes about the retail marketing in UK, relationship marketing, approaches used for maintaining the relationship, types of markets and challenges that are faced by organizations. Research methodology section illustrates the approach that is selected for analyzing the relationship marketing in UK retail sector with the help of various case studies. Findings and analysis section discusses and analyzes the performance of maintaining the relationship marketing in various organizations. The last section draws the conclusions and recommendations. 1.2. Aims and Objectives Aim: To study relationship marketing in the UK Retail sector Objectives: To focus on retail and relationship marketing To identify the various approaches those are used by various sectors for maintaining the relationships between customers and organizations. Discuss the challenges that are faced in the retail sectors. To examine the experimental results of relationship marketing in different retail sectors. 1.3. Purpose of Study The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship marketing among the various retail sectors in UK. This report helps many of the organizations in analyzing the relationship marketing as it provides a clear idea on the retail sector and relationship marketing. Relationship marketing mainly focuses on the relationship among customers and organizations, rather concentrating on sales of goods. It will highlight the organization performance with respect to the relationship between industry and consumers. 1.4. Research Context The present research is done in relationship marketing as it consists of the customer service and improving the quality according to customers taste such that both the customers and organizations are profited in real drive. Relationship marketing is the secret of the successful business marketing (Jane F.Eastham, Liz Sharples and Stephen D.Ball, 2001). The research mainly focuses on the relationship of internal marketing, suppliers, requirements of the markets and there influences how they are co-related with each other (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). Maintaining good relationship between quality and the services provided by retailers has influenced new customers which have increased the growth of sales such that most of the organizations earn more and more profits (Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne and David Ballantyne, 2002. The present research work will be beneficial for business people who will gain a better understanding regarding retail market and helpf ul for the organizations that implement relationship management in gaining profits (Bob Stone and Ron Jacobs, 2007). It may be useful for the organizations as it may directly affect people who are involved in generating new ideas. So, the relationships are considered as the key point for the basis of customer choice and company adaption. Relationship marketing involves in using the one-on-one communication in earning the loyalty of customers (GUION, L. A., 2005). These relationships can be easily improved in the organizations if the marketing is part of everyones job description that is from receptionist to board of directors. This research integrates the customers in designing the products which in turn creates a substance in the relationship. Relationship marketing is the key point to be considered in the retail sector. With the use of retailing most of the companies have improved their growth vigorously. 1.5. Research Method According to Grinnell (1993), the word research is a combination of two syllables namely, re and search. Therefore, the meaning of research work can be taken as examining a particular thing again and again for achieving a systematic and faultless investigation in some kind of field that has been undertaken. The methodology of research work will focus on identifying the hidden problems of some field, determining solution for them and positioning the resulted data for reaching the conclusions of the research work (Ranjit Kumar, 2005). Case studies are selected as a suitable research methodology for the present research and researcher has to work hard in collecting the required data from different resources along with its evidences. In this type of research method, the gathered data is huge and many technologies have to be used for analyzing and organizing the data so as to reach the goals of the research work (Bill Gillham, 2000). Research Area: Here the research area considered is UK retail marketing where it illustrates retail and relationship marketing, challenges that are faced in the retail sectors and gives experimental results of relationship marketing in different retail sectors. Selecting Cases: Selecting cases is the critical step for any organization. UK market is very large and it became difficult here to select suitable cases studies for this research. At last this research considered two UK market leading organizations for the case studies including McDonald and Debenhams. Identifications: This is the next step in research approach where the researchers need to identify the state of relationship marketing in considered organizations. Those identifications are given in the research methodology chapter of this research document. Analyzing and monitoring results: An analysis must be taken after making research on any organization. And analysis must be monitor to understand the identification in the considered organizations. This research illustrates the analysis results with different types of graphs that can be understood by any person. Recommendations: There are some recommendations given in the fifth chapter of this research documentation based on the research experience. Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1. Overview Relationship Marketing is a marketing strategy that is developed from the direct response marketing campaigns that emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction rather than the major focus on point of sales transaction. It is a form of marketing the will recognize the long term values for the firm and focuses on acquisition of new clients by targeting the majority demographics based upon the prospective client lists. The main idea behind relationship marketing theory is the identification of key drivers which influences important outcomes for the firm and a better understanding of the fundamental relations between service providers and customers (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). In the further sections of this chapter the retail marketing sector in UK is clearly discussed along with the relationship marketing in organizations with respect to six market frameworks. Creating and implementing the relationship marketing strategies and description of Relationship m arketing along with the applications is clearly explained followed by the discussion on types of markets by comparing and contrasting the various approaches followed in the organizations. 2.2 Retail Marketing Retailer is a dealer or trader who sells goods in small quantities or more. Retailing includes activities such as selling of products or goods and providing services to customers from a fixed location, which may be a departmental store or a boutique or by a mail in small or individual loads. Apart from these functionalities, retailing may also include services such as, delivery of products and goods. Retail Marketing is a process of buying and selling products or goods in the market. According to Philip J. Kitchen and Tony Proctor (2001) Retail marketing is mainly concerned with retail organization and it focuses on the application of marketing tools within its operating context. The retail marketing task is to deflect the customer in to the retail store and help to decide an appropriate compromise with regards store design, provision of services and customer desires (Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock, 2002). Retail marketing encompasses the activities involved in facilitating mutua lly beneficial exchange relationship between business organizations supplying goods and services and customers (Philip J. Kitchen and Tony Proctor, 2001, 264). Retailing marketing is a distribution channel function where one organization buys products from supplying firms or manufactures the product themselves, and then sells these directly to consumers (Retailing, 2009, p. 1). Retail marketing has its influence on the daily life of consumers and shopkeepers. Retailing is supported to provide utility to the customer and this comes from four different perspectives. These prospective can be explained as follows: Product utility This type of utility is about the form of a product that is acceptable to the customer. That is the retailer provides final end products, but not raw materials and products which are usable to customers. Place utility Retailing outlets will be available at places where the customers feel to be comfortable for their convenience (Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock, 2002). Time utility Retail outlets or shops are available at a time suitable to the customer. Ownership utility Retailers facilitate the transfer of ownership to customer depending upon the market situations (Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock, 2002). 2.2.1 Retail Marketing in UK Since the Second World War, UK has become a service company: that is, in terms of output and in terms of employment. Many of the existing features of UK retailing are well known to the general public who has observed substantial changes in shops. Retail marketing is a highly dynamic industry in UK and it reflects the changes in rest of the society. With customer require patterns are affected by changing demographics and changes in incomes, customer credit and growth in part-time labor. Customers are comparatively affluent, sophisticated and time-pressured and therefore demanding a service (Philip J. Kitchen and Tony Proctor, 2001). In 1970s, most of advertisers are the manufacturing companies, such as Currys and comet in electrical sector, supermarkets and high street banks. Now, the situation has changed and the retailers are maintaining close relationships with their customers. The change of influence has developed in 3 different ways and they can be given as follows: Firstly, most of the retail groups in UK have grown to equivalent or gone beyond the manufacturing organization in both capacity and size. Secondly, with the severe changes in retail marketing, the stores of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"own-label merchandise have increased. Most of the stores are offering high quality and excellent value products. Third one is the development the market information. With the new technology like scanning restocking issues, the retailer can plan ranges, layouts and promotional details very precisely (Malcolm Sullivan and Dennis Adcock, 2002). There is revival of price competition in 1990s, accompanied by a string service significance. And there has also been an increase in retailer diversification (e.g., high street fashion retailers moving into catalogue selling and grocers into non-food products). In spite of the increasing globalization of retailing, this is still usually the national environment, with its institutions, culture, and dictatorial framework. The UK retail market has experienced a dramatic re-shape in the year of 2004. This re-shape has been led by the achievement of Safeway supermarket chain by Morrisons, which has created the countrys fourth biggest retailer. The UK biggest retailers are Tesco and asda and next are the Sainsburys. With the achievement of the Safeway supermarket chain, Morrisons is in the fight for the third place with Sainsburys (Graduate Prospects, 2009). Over the next five years, the UK retail Market is in a position to increase its size by 15%, taking its value to just over  £312bn (Datamonitor, 2009). But this represents a slowing down of annual growth and with increase in cost of credit and operating costs; the UK retail sector faces challenging times. The companies will suffer who cannot compete against shrinking margins. Among the UK retail market sector, electrical sector is the best performer with a growth of 24 % (Datamonitor, 2009). Hence, from the above discussion it can be understood that the retail marketing is crucial to effectively communicate a business to its customers in order to sell the products, launch new products to the marketplace, and to capitalize on revenues and profits. 2.3 Relationship Marketing Relationship marketing is a process of attracting, enhancing and maintaining the relationships between the customers and managers in an organization. It mainly concentrates on increasing the life time value of customers and the strategies of relationship marketing mainly focus on the enhancement and development of relationships with a number of key marketings. Relationship marketing will maintain the internal marketing relationships as well as external marketing relationships with suppliers, customers, referral sources, employees and recruitment markets (Adrian Payne, Martin Christopher, Helen Peck and Moira Clark, 1998). According to GRONROOS, C. (1994, p.421), relationship marketing is defined as Marketing is to establish, maintain and enhance relationships with customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved by a mutual exchange and fulfillment of promises. These relationships are of two types in the marketing fie ld. First one is for attracting the customers and another one is to develop the relationships with customers for achieving maximum profits in the organizations (GRONROOS, C., 1994). But, According to ZEITHAML, V. A. and BITNER, M. J. (2000, p.30), Relationship Marketing (RM) is defined as Relationship Marketing is a philosophy of doing business, a strategic orientation that focuses on keeping and improving current customers, rather than acquiring new customers. Hence, from the above discussion it can be understood that relationship marketing plays a vital role to develop the organization by maintaining the relationships between consumers, suppliers and managers. RM is communicated closely with customers in order to improve a beneficial, mutually, continuous and long-term relationship. RM is a philosophy where it assumes that customers are maintaining the relationships within a single organization rather than selecting the different organizations. It is a consistent application up-to -Date Knowledge of consumers to service and product design. Six markets framework in Relationship Marketing Relationship Marketing contains six marketing models for improving the relationships between customers and company. These markets maintain the relationship between many organizations as well as within the organization. The six marketing models are considered as the central point of Relationship Marketing and the importance of these models is discussed as follows: (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). Internal Markets Internal marketing maintains the relationships between employees in the organization. It mainly concentrates on the issues like why and how the employees are working in the organization to improve the effectiveness of an organization. In internal marketing, business to business marketing information can be examined. Thus, observing the employee behavior in the organizations is necessary to estimate their performance and the examined information is useful for managers to take decisions. Customer Markets In this marketing, it maintains the relationship with customers. It supplies products and services to two types of customers. They are consumers like end purchasers and trade customers like retailers and their relative power is to determine which sort of relationships are cultivated more continuously (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). Referral Marketing It develops a plan for referral motivation and can be characterized based on the type of relationship. If Referral market has high credibility factor, then it can be considered as a decisive element and it is considered as customers, if the consumers enter into this markets with formal and informal referral agreements between themselves and suppliers of corresponding services and products. Thus, the relationships in this market need to be fair, open and well defined in the areas (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). Thus, from the above discussion it can be understood that planning is necessary to take the further actions within the organizations. Referral Marketing can prepare perfect plans in the organization. Recruitment Markets This is also called as Employee Markets. Employment is becoming a part of an organization. It is a market related task so that it maintains the relationship with educational institutions, labor unions and recruitment partners. From the above discussion it can be stated that Recruitment Marketing plays an important role in developing the organization. The performance of the company can be improved by recruiting the best employees. Influence Marketing It is closely linked with the decision-making department within the organization because it influences the relationships in the organizations internally as well as externally. This market consists of different types of sub markets like stockholders, government agencies and consumer associations (Soren Hougaard and Mogens Bjerre, 2003). Thus, it also considered as an important marketing model in the organization because well defined decisions are useful for the company to get more profits. Supplier Markets In recent years, improving the relationships with the suppliers is considered as a great deal in the organizations. Every organization need to maintain contain the relationship with suppliers because marketing system approach contains downstream as well as upstream activities. This approach matched with the developments within the Supply Chain Management (SCM). Supplier Markets deals with the supplier issues in the organization (Soren Hougaard and Mogens Bjerre, 2003). Hence, it is necessary to maintain the relationship with the customers to get the mutual benefits in the organization and every marketing business needs long term relationships to improve the performance of the markets. 2.4 Creating and implementing the relationship marketing strategies According to NORMANN, R. and RAMIREZ, R. Marketing strategies provide the intellectual frame work, conceptual models and governing ideas that allow company mangers to identify the opportunities for bringing value to the customers and for delivering that value at a profit (cited in Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999, pp. 407). These strategies are helpful for a company to define its business and links together. Relationship marketing implies relationship between the customer and buyer. Traditional marketing approach is based on management of the so-called marketing mix and relationship marketing rather than management of the stakeholder domains. Marketing strategies and planning approaches are influenced in the retail business environment. The relationship marketing values emerge from customers and consumer values. These customer and consumer values are an impact of various elements like people, process and proactive (personalized) services. People are the essential part of a company and consumers are motivating and training the employees to attract the customers for selling their retail business shares. Customer satisfaction is very important in this interaction process. Processes are the way for creating values for the customer. The core processes of retail business include new product development processes, customer management process, supplier management process and order fulfillment process (Helen Peck, Martin Christopher and Adrian Payne, 1999). Now-a-days, most of the retail markets are developed based on the customer supported services. Customer services include relationships between the suppliers and customers. Thes e services affected on the development of the retail firms and their customers to face market competitors. Customer services are helpful for the retail organizations and thereby increasing the share value in market. The relationship marketing strategies are defined by the implementation methods. These implementation methods are based on the sub system to improve the organization processes and relationships (Alain Ferrand and Scott McCarthy, 2008). Hence these three elements of the marketing can affect the marketing success and these elements are helpful while building up the relationship strategies. Implementation of relationship strategies is based on delivering and creating a value in retail business. This implementation involves many strategies. The first one is relationships in multiple stockholders this issue illustrates two models in the retail business and the models are relationship value management frame work and service profit chain. These models are helpful in market domains for understanding the relationships between the consumer and customer. The second one is selecting an appropriate relationship marketing strategies for different customers. Third strategy is detail planning within the six market models. Finally organizations make use of this relationship management (Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne and David Ballantyne, 2002). Achieving more profits for a retailing company is not an easy task and needs good customer relationship management. Customer relationship is the most important aspect in every market strategy. Marketing relationships are the living things in all types of businesses. If the company maintains good market relationships with their customers then automatically profits are obtained. These profits are obtained in the following ways (William M. Pride and O. C. Ferrell, 2004). By attracting new customers. By enhancing the profits of the existed customer. By increasing the customer relationship. Implementing the market relationship means exchange of relationships between the consumer and customer. Maintaining good relationship with customers is the main goal of many retail marketers. To maintain these relationships for a long time retail marketers are turned into the market research and information technology (William M. Pride and O. C. Ferrell, 2004). To create marketing strategies Customer Relationship Management (CRM) focuses on the customer information. Managing these relationships need to identify the buying behavior and consumer behavior with the customer. CRM is mainly focused on developing the company relationship capabilities. To improve these capabilities customer management leader must contain good relationship qualities with the customers (Bryan Foss and Merlin Stone, 2001). Hence from the above discussion it can be stated that implementation of marketing strategies depends upon customer interactions because profits for an organizations can be obtained by maintai ning good customer relationships. 2.5 Description of Relationship marketing and its applications In relationship marketing organizations mainly concentrates on customer satisfaction. Relationship marketing has lot of applications towards organization and customers. Organizations can maintain a long relationship with the customers through relationship marketing. Maintaining long relationship with the customers will be a benefit for both customers and organizations (Rajeev Batra and David Shepard, 1999). For any organization, though profit is the main motive they should also concentrate on customer needs. If organizations concentrate on quality and needs of customer then they can get the profits easily (Jakki J. Mohr, Sanjit Senguptha and Stanley F. Slater, 2004). Some of the applications towards the organizations for maintaining good customer relationships: Increased purchase If organization maintains a good relationship with the customer then they tend to buy more products. Organizations must ensure that the customers should remain interested and engaged in purchasing the product (Christian, 2008). Lower costs Sometimes organizations may decrease the cost of the product for attracting the new user and to maintain the existing customers. This decrease of costs will be a great benefit to both the customers and organizations. Customers can buy their products for low costs as well as the organizations can attract more customers. Life time value Good and loyal customers can generate life time value of a product or organization. If loyal customers buy the products in same organization throughout his life time then organization will get profits continuously (Shajahan, S., 2004). Sustainability Maintaining long relationships with customers is a great benefit to the organization. Customer may stick to one particular organization for a long time if organizations have good relationships with their customers. Through these long relationships with the customers an organization can give a good competition to other organizations. Organizations can sustain in the competitive market with good customer relationship. Word of mouth promotion To promote any product organizations needs lot of promotions and advertisements, for this it requires lot of money. But if organizations maintain good will in the market then the product will automatically promoted through customer referrals and mouth promotions. Employees job satisfaction Satisfaction of customers will bring satisfaction to the employees in the organization. If customer satisfied then the turnover of the organization will increase (Levitt, 2009). From the above discussion it can be understood that, all the applications towards the organization will lead to the profits of the organization. For any organization Profit is the ultimate goal. So ultimate goal of the organization can be achieved by maintain good relationships with the customers. Relationship marketing has been implementing in many organizations. For example, Meridien group of hotels used relationship marketing very effectively for satisfying the customers. Meridien hotels are established all over the world. This hotel is open to all the travelers all over the world. Meridian group of hotels recently launched a program called By this program they are attracting the customers and they are finding the loyal customers. Before using relational marketing they used to implement the seasonal packages. But implementing relationship marketing is more advantageous than other methods. Now Merridian hotels are implementing the packages based on the customer needs but not on the seasons. They provided all the requirements for the customers within the hotel only. This made the customers to choose Merridian hotel as one of the best hotel in the world (SHAINESH, G. and Atul Parvatiyar, 2001). 2.6 Approaches for maintaining relationships among the customers and retailers Customer plays an important role in any type of business. The relationship between customer and retailer is maintained when customer is loyalty and satisfied. Further, developing the relationship retailers must and should have the total information about the customers (Margaret Bruce, Christopher Moore and Grete Birtwistle, 2004). But according to Robert H. Lowson, The relationship between customer service level and inventory of finished goods for low, medium and high vendor process time (2002, p.207), if the retail markets provide better services for the customer in supply of good in time that maintains a good relationship between them. But as some aspects the retails are unable to meet the requirements of the customer satisfaction. Some of the approaches for maintain relationship among the customers and retailers were as follows: Identify the customer Try to find out relevant customer that what the products and services they need they might be either internal or external customers and by maintain the data base of the customers (Greg Balanko-Dickson, 2006). Gaining customer attention-Try to attract the more and more customer by advertizing the product. Understanding customer needs-Try to understand the needs of the customer in detail regarding what they are, actually what is the need and what they do. Customer expectations-Try to clarity the customer exactly what the products are been delivered. Feedback of customers-Taking the feedback from the customer also helps a lot for the retailers, regarding the comments they mentioned and opine of the customer about the performance of the product and how useful to them (Kimball Fisher, R.Rayner and William Belgard, 1995). According to Gavriel Salvendy (2001, p.775), Relationship among manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, retailers and customers work together to provide a product that the customer wants at a price that the customer is willing to pay. By maintaining the quality of service in the production of goods at best price the market standards and retailers are trying t
Monday, August 19, 2019
Anasazi :: essays research papers fc
Disappearance of the Anasazi civilization Summary The Anasazi civilization was a wonderment of there time. They were far ahead of any Indian civilization of that time era. They were cliff-dwelling people who where very knowledgeable in architecture, astronomy, and farming. They had built houses on the sides of cliffs that were more then 5 stories tall with plenty of space and even had religious meeting areas. They had a system for tracking the movement of the sun and the moon and also created a calendar that could track the summer and winter solstices and even the 19 year cycles of the moon. â€Å" astronomical refinement Europeans had not even achieved yet.†(Liberty Equality Power pg.31) The whole civilization disappeared off the face of the earth with hardly a trace. In the late 13th century the once growing civilization of he Ansazis disappeared. Many historians, anthropologists, and archeologists have come up with possible evidence of why or how the Anasazis disappeared. There are many possible theories that could explain their disappearance, but according to Olivia Leigh, author of â€Å"The mystery of the Anasazi", says that they fall into three basic categories â€Å"The drought theory, The conflict Notion, and the Alien connection.†The theory that an entire civilization was wiped out or forced to leave because of a severe drought is a possible connection. During 1100 A.D. there where many severe droughts that might cause the people to migrate to a new region, but without even taking there tools or even food? For no trace of them to be found after that they would have had to change there entire way of living. Appearance, religion, their culture, because no further traces of their civilization was found. â€Å"Current research suggests that the great drought was no where near as severe as scientists believed ten years ago, certainly not severe enough to drive a nation of people to abandon their homes.†(Leigh). Imagine a whole tribe being wiped out by warfare with an enemy, but the winning tribe leaving their spoils behind. The conflict notion implies just that a possible warring tribe could have attacked the Anasazi and killed off their entire population that was spread all over. There is no evidence of a battle that would be large enough to destroy such a large civilization and if so then why wouldn’t they steal or destroy the cities. Also, there hasn’t been any evidence of mass graves being uncovered or thousands of bodies even being found.
Mental Training-sports Essay -- essays research papers fc
Motivate Yourself! Metal preparedness is almost as important as physical training. To be mentally trained most closely means to be psychologically ready for the physical act of. Mental training includes several steps which include aquainting ones self with the event, setting a goal, finding out secret techniques or discovering the â€Å"trade secrets†, harnessing your inner psyche (Id) by having time set aside to discover it, monitor performance, visualize ones self in competition correcting all errors, and then combining all steps to make one the best athlete possible. Why is it that those of us who are out of a sport, and on our own to train can sometimes motivate ourselves to find the time to train and maintain a training schedule, and other times not? Sometimes we can get into the exercise habit and other times not? How can we make training part of our schedule? To be motivated to do something means to be persuaded that there is something to gain in it for one. Presumably, one should convince ones self that there is something to gain for one in pole-vaulting. Motivating one self is, however, somewhat paradoxical  a â€Å"catch 22†. What if you have to motivate ones self to motivate ones self? So, it is worth talking it over with another person. A person who does not find physical pleasure in pole-vaulting will not continue pole-vaulting for long. What motivates a pole-vaulter? Money? No. Love of their sport, maybe? Feeling good about being good at what they are doing? Pure enjoyment, exhilaration? Being on a team? Gaining position and power and influence? Being admired and appreciated by others? Yes! Is this enough to get you out on the mats regularly? Think over what you have to sacrifice to have the time to train. A movie, dinner with friends, late night TV, time with your family? One author suggested â€Å"mainly give up work. It’s impossible to keep up†. Visualize ones-self accomplishing the goal and feel that satisfaction that comes from success. Now how will a person remember that state of motivation that the person will want to have the next time they are deciding whether or not to row?      Once the person gets on the runway, it is important to make the experience pleasurable so one will want to come back. For most people, this means a few drills as they push off the dock to remind their nervous system of what is expected. Vaulti... ...ple Press. Chomsky, N. (1957). Syntactic structures. The Hague: Mouton. 2. Erickson, M. H., & Rossi, E. L. (1979). Hypnotherapy: An exploratory casebook. New York: Irvington. 3. Gallwey, Timothy. (1974). The inner game of tennis. New York: Random House. Grinder, J. & Bandler, R. (1976). The structure of magic. II. Palo Alto: Science and Behavior. 4. Ingalls, J. S. (1988). Cognition and athletic behavior: An investigation of the NLP theory of congruence. (Doctoral dissertation, Teachers College Columbia University, 1987). Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, (7). p. 2090-8. DA 8721125. 5. Maturana, H. R., & Varela, F. J. (Eds.). (1980). Autopoiesis and cognition: The realization of the living. Boston: Reidel. 6. Miller, G., Galanter, E., & Pribram, K. H. (1960). Plans and the structure of behavior. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. 7. Varela, F. J., Thompson, E. & Rosch, E. (1993). The embodied mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. von Bertalanffy, L. (1968). General systems theory: Foundations, development, applications. New York: George Braziller. 8. Watzlawick, P., Bavelas, J., & Jackson, D. (1967). Pragmatics of human communication. New York: Norton.
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